happy girls around the world

Published January 30th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 10 Comments »

Can I just say: “I LOVE MY NEW PLACE!” One day I might be shown up by this little apartment of ours…our own efforts will someday get us into a  house, but this place is super cute, and coming together wonderfully. E called me yesterday and said, “I have six pieces of good news”. “What’s that?” I asked, and he told me he got six things we really needed (actually no, I really wanted) to make our lives easier. I kept telling him that our quality of life was going to increase almost exponentially…the quiet, the $$ spending and pushing the dollar futher, the puppies, the sunlight. And everything seems to be coming together. Oh yes, those things: the internet router, the coffee maker (which has a timer alarm for my morning cup), a new toaster, and a new set of salt and pepper grinders. I feel geh in the good way…it’s not that I wanted to be a domesticky lame ass, but it is nice to finally have shit and be in surroundings you think you deserve instead of just making due, and dealing with stuff that comes your way. I will have photos this weekend, but really, this is good for us.

Jonyce came over with her friend last night at like 11…wow, the visiting neighbors thing really does happen. I like it because it’s a rollover from my best times in life…knocking on the door to see if you wanna come out and play. Obviously it’s not quite that, but it’s nice to have everywhere you want to go within walking distance, and it’s even easier to make the phone call to make it happen. In Brooklyn I felt like I was pulling teeth and always pressured to be the organizer or nothing would happen. Which was essentially the truth since all my bestt friends seemed to disappear into the woodwork, or even better, disappear completely once I stopped making the phone calls and organizing the adventures. I asked E if he thought it was normal, and he said no, I (meaning me) must have done something. Somehow I doubt that, but if I did, I’m over it, much as everyone is over me.

I left town twenty minutes before getting here. That is also bonus prize.

As it is my local (NY & NJ) buddies are of course invited on February 16th to my little parteh. A housewarming, or excuse to chill in ze new place. You know how to get a hold of me if you care to visit.

The things I am grateful for include E, my new place (libras are supposed to be renovating and redoing their lives this year I read), the pups and school, all of which play an equal part in me finally getting my shit together. It only took 13 years, but everyone who is in my life now has played a positive role in helping me get to this place…of adulthood. I don’t think marriage makes any sense for me right now, babies no, but I am finally playing adult, and not feeling like it’s fake anymore.

Category: 2000-2011

10 Responses to “happy girls around the world”

  1. jhohanna says:

    I’m so happy and proud of you my sweet! 😀

  2. iam_hooked says:

    Really? I am a libra so I guess that’s why I’ve focusing on making changes in my life this year, who knew?

  3. tsdk says:

    Sounds awesome! It’s so great to move, start over, and freshly decorate.

    I’m sure you didn’t do anything to make people pull away or disappear. People just change and get lazy.

    There’s a party???

    • deanna says:

      I won’t stop being disappointed, though. The only people who seem to have stuck through it all are the people who do keep in contact, make the effort.

      Yes, party! February 16th is when it is. You guys must come!! I haven’t settled on a time yet. But that was the best day.

      • Anonymous says:

        Email me an address & a time, and most likely we’ll be there- with baked goods. I’m a rockin’ baker, I tell ya.

        • deanna says:

          your computer is all crazy, missy

          I will do that, no worries.

          Though I keep my shit public for certain family members, I am not going to advertise to the crazies.


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