half written life

Published February 18th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

I have half-written maybe 4 different postings over the past week on everything from my wedding anniversary and income increases since 2017 and honestly, it’s been hard to push the post button when it’s usually a situation of attention span. We have this giant tv. It is huge 72 inches and right now it’s playing Moving Art on Netflix and it’s not 4K, but geeze world. I have this idea for a business plan to help alleviate these needs, but I did read something earlier that suggested that people addicted to social media including the internet, instagram and the other stuff have brains similar to drug addicts. That is why I do the painting and printmaking classes I do right now. I was working in a purely technical aspect of travel, booking and helping people with their tours all over the world, spoke over the phone, never saw anyone. And to be honest I don’t care that much about the never seeing anyone areas though there’s a missing element of human connection I suppose. Most days it is nobody but maybe Duke’s doggy friends or just Don, on Skype. I go to the grocery store frequently because I still live life as a New Yorker–all whim, all the time and there was always a market with what you needed close by. I have become a much better cook over the past few years. Mealboxes, babies, are the best things and some of them are heavy on international recipes, like Blue Apron. But I have done Hello Fresh, Green Chef, Purple Carrot and EveryPlate and usually it is Everyplate or Blue Apron when I do get them, though I’ll admit being not in the same state necessitates I do my own mini meals. I hate leftovers and they’re not my style as a general rule, so I have to change food textures and options often to avoid that.

I am doing a few WordPress classes in the next month to help that whole evolution along–this site needs major work, reformatting and re-alignment of information. As it is, the most famous article I ever wrote was I bite my dog, no seriously, I do …you think I am kidding or maybe a few of you found me that way, but ANY-HWAYS…I celebrated my 3rd Wedding anniversary yesterday with a visit to the tax man as I am all about encouraging good ethical behavior which has allowed me the ability to retire from jobs working for other people. In 2017, the year we got evicted–we barely made $48k combined–he showed us this past year and it was markedly different. And if two people can survive on less combined for as long as we did, then two people can survive on more. Which means I am in a truly lovely place. He commented the other day he never thought he wanted a stay at home artist wife, but since I am the exception for women, I get to enjoy some freedom while I am still able to experience it. Right now that is art classes, the sewing classes seem problematic to get booked, and then the WP classes in March and I should be expert level at the end of those to get this sucker reformatted for pretty. But I need the sewing classes and maybe some more painting in May-printmaking I will start sharing as well…just be patient. I am certainly not looking to shrink my brain getting addicted to social media, and you know me. I am afraid of all of those pressures. I was on it early early in the day and visited a poetry forum and a bodymod ezine and used social media groups of friends etc as far back as 1999 we used that site–but I saw how easy it was to bully people and say the most insane things–not something I did with the veracity levied on me so I keep this site, accidentally found or not, but I keep it up for me as big pieces of my life I have forgotten. So many points of evolution for so many points I evolved are missing the context of a better recorded history but something is better than nothing.

But ANYWAYS yes, yesterday was 3 years married, this Fall will be 9 years together and we have had our evolution but he I think appreciates me enough and actually quite vehemently loves who I am and what I represent. He continues to tell me I am the only good one, which I think is probably something having to do with never having a princess moment or any you can be anything speeches at any point. I expect little of people as a general rule which is not the best, I know, but he takes care of me, wants me to do art instead of complain online, hence I am not there anywhere really–here is my private sounding board of sorts. But not here will any strong political messaging go–beyond the related, just healthcare. The classes will allow all of it to be somewhere better.

I am a huge advocate of classes to ensure a real continued evolution towards being a better person. I’ve done it for Don, I’ve done it often, it’s something I’ve done for the sheer interest but usually just to inspire a change of scenery or experience. It’s something I realized long ago…you cannot expect things to change by doing the same thing day in and day out–investing in yourself and your experiences is an ideal way to ensure you get the opportunity to grow and evolve as a person. That’s my opinion and I had no children, so my focuses can be a little more self-directed. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But at a certain point investing a few hours to yourself every week doesn’t seem like a huge sacrifice either–again, my opinion, but there’s my piece of what I wrote this week.

Category: 2020

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