god is chinese

Published October 14th, 2007 in 2000-2011 | 5 Comments ยป

These are the things I have discussed today. Keep in mind my only live audience was the E.

“Hey, have you even considered that Chinese history goes back like 50,000 years?”

No. I haven’t.

“Doesn’t that make the whole idea of “god” even more preposterous? Like they just dropped Jesus into the mix 2,000 years after they could write about it?”


“They just dropped Jesus in without thinking that the Chinese had been here long before Jesus, and if god created everything, why didn’t he tell any Chinese people about it?”

What are you talking about?!

Me, smirking. “They just dropped Jesus into the mix without thinking that if god existed, he is probably Chinese”.

My other conversation:

“Hey, I was thinking. You know how there are always dragons depicted in murals and on walls in Chinese and Japanese history?”


“What if there really were dragons at one point?”

There has to be some documentation of more meaning.

“But if you consider that in every other culture, most depictions were based on some sort of real life interpretation, and that metaphors and mythology could not have extended so easily across two different continents, maybe there really were dragons at one point!”

I say this excitedly, but he is only watching the baseball game. He does not want to hear me talk about dragons being real (but the kid in me thinks that would just be awesome). Though dragons were more likely to be some sort of dinosaur…or something. haha. I tell him that I am writing about our conversations, to which he says, don’t make me sound like an idiot. I proceed to inform him that the only one sounding like an idiot is me.

How about them Rockies,eh? The team is only 13 years old, and is spanking the hell out of everyone.

I have decided to start photographing my life for a week. A week in the life of deanna. I want to have something to remember me by, after all.


Category: 2000-2011

5 Responses to “god is chinese”

  1. ofmonsters says:

    This is PRISTINE.

    Like they just dropped Jesus into the mix 2,000 years after they could write about it?”


    • deanna says:

      Re: This is PRISTINE.

      hahaha. I thought you would like that, Francis. I have some more funny stories I have been thinking of and will be writing about shortly.

      LOVE YOU, and your Hamster juice!


  2. iam_hooked says:

    Well, I guess god needed a spokesman, lol.

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