Spring 2008 Schedule by Day | ||||
Day | Time | Location | Class | Begin-End |
Mon | 10:00am-1:45pm | 511 OOOO | INTRO-STUDY AND THEORY OF | 01/22/08-05/05/08 |
2:10pm-4:00pm | RTBA | IMAGERY AND FORM IN THE A | 01/22/08-05/05/08 | |
5:00pm-6:00pm | RTBA | IMAGERY AND FORM IN THE A | 01/22/08-05/05/08 | |
6:10pm-7:25pm | 622 ZZZZ | MUSIC-EAST ASIA-SOUTHEAST | 01/22/08-05/05/08 | |
Wed | 6:10pm-7:25pm | 622 ZZZZ | MUSIC-EAST ASIA-SOUTHEAST | 01/22/08-05/05/08 |
Thr | 7:00pm-10:00pm | 614 XXXX | CULTURE THROUGH FILM & | 01/22/08-05/05/08 |
Yay! This is my schedule. The blankity blank at the very top is the Intro to the Study and Theory of Film. Two other classes fulfill my anthropological and humanities prerequisites, and one, well one I want to take but might have to drop it if I can’t…as Francine’s word of the week exemplifies….PONY UP the funds to get my tuition paid. Why Houdini won’t grant me the funds to go to school and not work full time is beyond me, but apparently there are a ton of old people who need 20 million to retire on comfortably. In the meantime, I have to comfortably contrive my schedule so that I am not overwhelmed with classes and full time scheduling. Thankfully my boss is a peach who lets me manage my own schedule and days so that I won’t have to bankrupt my ass doing this.ย Because E and I are probably moving to a bigger and more beautiful apartment with more windows in February. So I need to take that income and make it work. As it is, I am not even kidding, I bring home less than $300 a week because of my benefits and healthcare FSA account. I have to work more this coming semester, and take double the classes. It will be a big thing to accomplish, and maybe I can do something amazing to celebrate once I’m done. Then again, there are several more after this, and my intention is to do 12 credits in the summer, 12 in the Fall, etc. Better to enjoy a few years of happiness before the Mayan calendar ends after all.
(wink wink)
WOW! Full schedule, I guess I’m lucky because I only have class on tuesday & wednesday nights. But your culture through film class looks really interesting, I think I’d really enjoy that class.
Yes yes, that fulfills my anthropology requirement because it is culture through film and media.
I am very excited to continue on, but our economics as a nation leave a bit to be desired (as in we are about to fall flat on our asses).
Makes a girl think that foreign language is not so bad to focus on.
I wish I had taken a foreign language, but I was never much good at the limited exposure I had to it. But then again sometimes I wish I had focused on another major.
They make you get an intermediate education in foreign language here…so I am trying to figure out what language will benefit me the most during these economically trying times. I figured Arabic or Chinese…but I might switch depending on what the markets are projected to look like in 3 years (when I hope to graduate).
Arabic is in high demand, but you may not like the kind of jobs you would get with it. Chinese is in high demand as well and the job options would be significantly more friendly.
yeah…that’s the problem. But I do suspect that learning arabic is infinitely easier.
Russian would be better for me to learn if I stay in spa land, but we all know that isn’t what I want..
Wow. That’s some schedule! You really know how to pack it in! But it all sounds great…and you’ve managed much harder than a packed schedule so I’m sure you’ll do great. Hope you’re enjoying it- although it sounds like you’re very excited. Good luck with the classes and the schedule. ๐
That is a kick-ass, knuckle-down, take-no-prisoners schedule. ๐ I’m glad you can do it. Ah, I miss the days when classes were my main worry. [sigh – lost in memory]
Have a good Thanksgiving!
I might be an idiot. but I think it does make sense. It doesn’t not make sense, so the double negatives must mean that it does, right?
I miss the days when I thought it was normal to worry–or be a regular girl.
Now I could just give a flying fuck. Worry?!? me??!!
Re: haaha
Agreed. Amazing how accomplishment and almost dying changes your perspective, isn’t it? ๐
And yes, -(-p) = p. That’s another thing I miss – deconstructing logical proofs. Lots of good memories there!