Freaky me out
Published February 7th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 15 Comments »
I feel almost like a jerk for admitting this. But furries freak me out. I am not sure if it is the animal suits, or the sex that freaks me out the most. Or the need to be in the animal suit to have the sex. I mean, I am a totally liberal girl (this is the girl who hung a DP pump up pair of latex-donged underpants on my front fence one day just to watch people’s reactions and what they would do…cleaning out the prop junk friends had given me).
But seriously. I just can’t help but want to turn my eyes inside out when I think of it all.
Category: 2000-2011
Don’t watch Smoking Aces. Just hearing of the story of the furry in that film made me not want to see it! 😀
Ok. Duly noted.
haahah. That is one fetish that really ruins my innocent childhood daydreams of my stuffed animals and playtime.
I think they’re supposed to freak you out. I didn’t even know that was a real thing until they showed it on Entourage. I’m more baffled than anything else.
haha. NO. People do it for real. You can even do searches on interests in LJ and find whole outlets of people.
I just think it says a bit too much about people’s childhoods. Like, yuck.
hahahahahaha you’ve been thinking about this for a week!
hahaha. I know…They are seriously bizarre though. It’s hard NOT to think about.
Did a certain cat-like someone on a certain discussion board get you thinking about this? Well, in that case count me among the included as freaked. Though I don’t think you have to be dressed as an animal to have sex in order to be a furry. I bet there’s different levels of it, and the making animal costumes reek from fluids is as far down as you can go. But what freaks me out about that poster is less a revulsion of possible sexual behavior than a sad sense that this person is full of self-disgust and this explicit neediness to hide in plain sight in order to feel alive and included. Been there, done that. Didn’t need a tail, either.
could be
I know…it is sad. I was a bit preturbed and paged through his thing one day…and was even more freaked out that there was not one normal faced photo anywhere.
But his attitude is even worse. I am just glad for my own sanity and ego that he has not asked to add me as a friend or anything…to have that be something I see constantly on my friends page would be bad…but you have to also feel pity for someone who is so…so bleh and depressed and self-loathing. I would have felt bad to shoot him down.
I just wish he would stop posting those huge photos over there. EEeeek.
Re: could be
Yeah, I agree with you. He’d be a tough one to say “no” to if a friend request was in the running. And yet, how could you say yes? There’s so many problems going on there — that’s why I try not to respond to his posts. And you’re right, the size of the images is pretty scary. It’s like this big black hole of I NEED YOUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
Re: could be
I don’t think anybody has though. I haven’t responded to anything since I read his stuff…eeek.
I would have to pretend I didn’t get the message if he asked. Maybe I will go to hell for that, but I just couldn’t.
I love that nobody has commented on my dong on the fence, though. If I can’t freak anyone out, you know I’m in the normal corner. hahaahahahhaha
I still can’t help but laugh.
i think furries are hilarious, but mostly because i laugh when i feel uncomfortable. or because they’re hilarious!
oh lord, could you imagine. this is going to inspire some sort of short story/film I need to write…
Like…I think the people who do it are not all from trailer parks and shit…doctors and lawyers probably do that.
imagine going on a date with someone and when it comes down to getting busy, be breaks out the elephant suit complete with footies.
Man. True.
you know when you and I are freaked out there really is something wrong.
When I first read about it a while ago I figured it was one of those urban myths. Turns out it really exists. Whatever floats some people’s boats I guess.