format changes, face changes, changes change

Published March 26th, 2019 in 2019, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป
Okay you guys. This is me. I am trying to try this new thing called discipline I will take you on my journey fulling realizing. I do not take selfies though many of you know my penchant in the early years. I have aged pretty well for someone who has gone through 7 major surgeries–it took some effort but never once have I done any injectables, no fillers, no botox of any kind. I have done a bunch of stuff to the surface of my skin, but never any surgical intervention. My lips I have had my whole life, not too many pokes beyond pore purging. I am clearly overplucked, but that is getting addressed this year, too. Microblading. Yup.

But, small announcement in my announcements—I am going to make some changes to some things around here shortly. Heartsandscars is taking on a new role as an information center for FAQs I often see addressed in forums for those suffering aortic dissections. There is a ton of information I can lend there and to have it not be a blog would be invaluable to a few. Scars and hearts will hold the blogs, well the ones unrelated to hearts for now. The deco sites, of which I have two, will be makeup and beauty advice. The photo above I am wearing a touch of gloss and a bb/sunblock cream and some translucent powder. My hair sucks but two weeks more and it is done again. I am going to vlog, my friends. I have been thinking about it for years but I guess I thought I wasn’t the young pretty millennial thing people dig. I am my own thing, and maybe yours too. If not, all is good but my brain needs organization.

SO—-The deco sites will be my earrings, tshirts and goods on the one and the beauties will be makeup and beauty advice. I have a TON of experience in all of that from my time in NYC and my time with cystic terrible acne all over. I have done the whole thing with my skin–antibiotics, accutane and any number of surface treatments as an adult. I have realized it is a balance of maintenance, diet, and upkeep in terms of maintenance care and you can beat the clock. This is the face of someone who is 42 today.

**JH this means I need you please. Purty purty please for just a few things.

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