Foresight can save 2021 with a little hindsight from 2020

Published December 5th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments »

Can you imagine what future historians are going to think of our roaring twenties? Maybe it will be known as the Corona 20’s vs the Roaring Twenties. What an absolute disappointment, right?

The truth is there were very few of us who saw this shit coming like I did. There were a few, we all commented on the same articles, but ultimately I have already realized my monetary value is not high, given I am not working to actually get paid at it. Everything I do is trying to help in the ways I am able. Sometimes I’ll offer the snarky solution, sure. But I have been collecting all this shit to get this WP class under my belt so I can employ all I learned about SEO and that stuff…but the point is, I know my missing monetary value has removed some of my value value, and even when I was working, the things that took it away were not small. From medicine to food to rent to wage garnishment, there was always some hospital and doctor or dentist I might or might not be able to pay., nothing unnecessary, at least, but I was also the psycho who tried like 6 masks before I found the perfect one.

So I felt the need to read a ton of shit on this stupid virus and right now if you want to be prudent, wear masks and glasses or goggles. I don’t make Don wear goggles to work but I wear them bopping around. The mask is huge, and ultimately you barely have a single reason to not use one. They are easy to make, easy to find and don’t forget my favorite one, here.

There are a lot of bad things that can happen with respiratory coronaviruses, and given the nature of this one, I would not suspect it won’t leave at least a few with some longer standing issues. Who wants to be that poison M&M out of a bag? Forget eating it, your body then has to deal with a poison. Maybe it ends up just being your mind that gets affected because of the infection. Maybe a few people will develop real future telling abilities. Maybe a few will be able to do astral projection on a whim. Maybe a few of them will develop MS and ALS. Maybe a few will get to deal with Alzheimers a few years too early. Maybe a few will deal with other types of dementia that cripple their thinking ability which then deals a blow to their emotional abilities, right?

Seriously there is nothing worse to me than the idea of letting my mind get more affected than it has by outside sources. You can help manifest some wonderful things, I am sure of it, with the power of your mind. But burn out a few black spots, snip a few circuits, get them coated in something waxy your mind can’t force out, or you stroke out and what do you have? A fucked up palette, that’s what. I know. I have one.

A lot of my life is forgotten, a bunch of it is more, a bunch of it is well buried in the burned out places by the strokes I had myself. The irony of this disease mirroring a bunch of the shit that has already affected me, the strokes, kidney failure and heart disease. The seizures. The wondering if you’ll ever feel like a whole person again, for an entire day, knowing with each passing one how doubtful that sometimes feels.

Just remember. Foresight can save 2021 with a little hindsight from 2020. Masks and goggles and this would be gone faster than you all want to admit. I am not getting it. No fucking way, thanks.

Here I am. 44. bicentenial baby, people. I think I am going to possibly maybe redo some of my best modeling photos. Definitely not far off.

So I am going to have to file for bankruptcy. My credit is trash. Any job I would get would have me garnished. And owing a million people never helps that quite at all. I think right now most of my bigger problems could be removed for like 70k which is pretty fucked up, though 60 of that is student loan the rest is medical bills and other things I got bankrupted for trying to live a basic life with a medical issue. Nothing crazy, don’t forget. No personal anything I own literally nothing and I am a negative to my monetary value. Nothing in my position is worth more than a few hundred bucks. Most of it gifted. But one of my friends showed me the bankruptcy option, and unless I win the freakin lottery, the likelihood of that happening is zero to none by the way, but yeah, the theme is. Bankuptcy.

Category: 2020

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