first place kitties

Published August 1st, 2006 in 2000-2011 | 2 Comments ยป

weird titles i dig. usually they insinuate something more interesting is going on than actually is. the more I do the math the more i realize i haven’t had any real true time away from working some kind of job…from 15 on i worked full time in the summers. from 12-14 i had my own lawn mowing and babysitting business. even in the fall it was leaf raking.

so how’s about this heat? i love it. i want to roast my little kicks and my pinkies on the steaming asphalt all of the time. i have been traipsing about lately…went to mccarren park pool, talked with a friend about starting our own little bike club…like the cool kids but we aren’t cool so it’s more fun. met the fetus several times for fun and amusement. made some discoveries along the way. yesterday me and the little megen went to the city to mess around…had lunch, went to see the Bodies exhibit, got a bad manicure and pedicure at a place which took a literal slice out of my thumb. went to h&m. came back home and hung out with the fetus and watched the roommate pack. i dig having her around…a change of person in scenery for me since so much of my time is spent alone. i just registered two websites i will launch my businesses off of… and they will be sleek and might be slightly related to each other but have some differences. the point is whether you put in one or the other they will both have stuff on them relevant to the other. and you don’t even have to remember what order the other is since they will be linked off of each other.

Category: 2000-2011

2 Responses to “first place kitties”

  1. opheliaswake says:

    Sucks you couldn’t make it out Fri, was a super great time! But I was very glad to see you on Thurs.
    It’s a little too hot this week so don’t over do the going out. You should come see the kiddies once it cools down again.

  2. jhohanna says:

    Wooohoo! Glad you are doing alright sweets. It’s been the same old story lately. *grumble* ๐Ÿ™‚

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