February flies

Published January 22nd, 2008 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

February is coming close…so close that we are moving a bit earlier than we first thought. As we have started packing and chucking things out, and having already received the keys, we decided this weekend was about as good as any when it comes to getting it all moved. Git ‘er done will be the motto of the week and weekend.

Speaking of which, school starts on Thursday. I am excited, yet nervous. I am only doing three classes because of time constraints and my advisor’s strong recommendation not to push it too much and double up on my class load versus last semester seemed to be smart. So it’s two on Monday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 10 pm.

I cannot wait to get moved and completely settled in because of this. The concept of a quiet office/study area will definitely positively affect my schooling and study habits (yeah, I definitely ended up passed out while trying to study ‘in bed’ one too many times). And during the day it will be E’s office. I think it might be a bit hard to negotiate taking an entire large bedroom for an office, and renting out the smaller room to someone who is cool, quiet, works a lot, or is in school. Roommates are for the birds, but when you have the space we have, it will be okay. Once the furniture gets in, unfortunately though, it will not seem quite as spacious. I think our office might end up being another area where entertaining might have to happen since the living room will literally be encompassed by that couch and some smaller furniture, and the flat screen. Jonyce and I were there on Sunday running around. She did remark that we did have killer light, which is awesome, given my old place felt a little dark and dreary. The kitchen also is a big sell, given the amount of cabinets and storage space, new refrigerator, etc. The window in there will also be a nice change.

Luckily I do have moving help, something that would not have happened had my work buds not been so sleek. Speaking of which, recession anyone? This is definitely not the time to be quitting one’s job without solid footing somewhere else. I would almost say it would be insane unless you were well educated on the industry you were going to join, especially given companies penchants for laying off the new kids rather than scrapping the old. Luckily for me, people (unless it is a matter of eating or not) will always want to spend a ridiculous amount to wax their coochies and slap youth enhancing cream on their faces. If I was working at a building store, I would definitely be screwballed.

Slappy birthdays are coming up for my boss, (today!) and several of my buds, including E.. YAY! This is a great thing.

Speaking of which, we said goodbye to our fish (the piggies) on Sunday. I miss them, as in I kind of feel like we betrayed them by just handing them off to a stranger, but Eddie thinks the $50 he got for them makes up for it…but when you consider the amount of money the stock market has stolen from everyone lately, $50 ain’t nuttin.

PS. SEND ME MONEY! hahaah. That is my way of subconsciously activating the giving in all of you. I even take gift cards. Granted I did spend a bit of money with my new place, but not even close to the amount E paid for the couch. Actually, I am sure you could all say the same thing every day. Poor college students tend to ask too much, I do realize. But nothing hurts, no?

Category: 2000-2011

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