February 1, New Me, New Something

Published February 1st, 2022 in 2022, Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I have been writing more at the other site–the urgency in trying to get information out certainly seems worth protecting vs waxing poetic here, but I am trying something new for February. I don’t ever post photos publicly so will do video progression of my thing. The thing? Me.

See, being in smaller apartments in Alexandria hasn’t boded well in terms of my weight. and I weigh about 22 lbs more than I did last year this time. So I am trying to fix some things, correct some things, have a few goals, and hopefully come out better for it. 10,000 steps, though today I only got it 7231 so far, I do know what it takes to get there.

Part of this discipline is me writing here every day as well, so look out world, you might be stuck with me coming here to give you my heart issue advice and progress on my new challenge of discipline. Beyond that, I still want to separate parts of me out. I’d prefer this to be heartland, the corona site to be coronavirus-related, one site political, one site catering to agoraphobia, one site for my husband because why not, and one more site with all of my crafted items, everything from earrings to dresses to bags, to paintings to whatever I would want.

Not sure if that is smart–to me it seems if one failed then there might be some protection in having some backups. I certainly feel the need to get a few backup plans absolutely in place–I do not want to burden myself on anyone for any length of time-and at this point now that I have figured out some basic mechanics of WP, I think I can absolutely do all of the things, though I would certainly never presume to do them all well.

Whatever this is, it’s an exercise in trying to maintain some discipline, because I seem to lack it inborn.

Rules for February so far:
*No drinking (it’s the shortest month, so I assume it can be done, but we went from every day down to too much once a week)
*10,000 steps a day (failed day 1, it’s a goal)
*1 Amazon workout (again, I failed today, you have to start early)
*1 entry here, one at my COVID site
*Many photos of progress
*Consistent skin routine (I’ve had so much micro and other resurfacing I often skip and cheat), I do expect marked improvement over the photo progression. I will not reveal that until the end of February and hope to continue.

I hope to add more rules as time goes on. But for me to have any discipline is a miracle, trust me.

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