everything undone again

Published July 12th, 2001 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

strange it is how people can get so defensive…While it is admirable to stick up for every motherfucker that gets modified as being an intelligent being..I think its wrong to think that the same societal problems don’t occur in reference to a community full of modified people…we are no different or better than anyone else and we certainly aren’t free of flaws, and the natural echelon of humanity does not make us cooler than everyone else because we are “cool enough” to get modified.

On a different note..things move chaotic-like in my life…and the things I want..the things inherent to my happiness are never really permanent situations but passing waves which rock the boat..I wonder when it is that the plateau of indifference will lock its grip on my ankles again..I believe the time estimate was approximately two weeks…two more weeks of bliss leading to a long time of miss..

your eyes.

Category: 2000-2011

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