echo hijab

Published May 6th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

So I am not sure I wrote about this really ever, but I did decide there were some cultures better prepared to cover the mouth and nose, and quite fashionably, so I got some hijabs. No, I definitely did. I am not muslim, but the covering of the hair and mouth seemed to be a good strategy to accomplish with some already made garments. I get some fashion colors–black, red, mustard and pink, and everything but the black is a two piece with a kind of tube for the mouth and nose and a head covering to cover all of the hair.

Tomorrow I have an echo scheduled and it’s not the first one in the day–but I figured if I am triple careful and fashionably paranoid I might be able to get out of it without catching anything. So it will be a hijab, a filter for the mouth made from some vaccum bags and then the N99 on top. And my hair will be covered and when I get home I will be stripping at the door to throw all of my clothing into the wash and onto the shower.

I am pretty much convinced I will not get this virus and neither will Don right now–it is something I have tried so hard to be so deliberate over not getting that it would be the saddest joke on me if it did somehow find it’s way into my home. He is likely done this week which means great things for my life starting this weekend we hope. I am in pain being this alone. Not happy, not fulfilled, just lonely and in pain. 2/17 until soon. Harder to manage than you would think.

I had my last incident with that blood clot last June. Last big surgeries were 2005-2006. I am somewhat overdue for scandal and drama that way so let’s hope the test tomorrow goes well. If I did not have the N99 and the hijab I would certainly not go, but I do, so the only other thing I will ask is to be put in a room that hasn’t had a patient in it in hours, if at all. I am unsure I will be accommodated for such a request, but I can hope. I will just be sure to hold my breath and wash thoroughly on the other end.

i will have to document the hijab experiment so you can see what I mean. Photo proof, maybe finally. I do think it’s a good strategy so you will have to see what I mean then because it’s just not happening today.

Btw, new totals for today:

 / COUNTRIES / UNITED STATESLast updated: May 06, 2020, 23:41 GMT

 United States

Coronavirus Cases:







CLOSED CASES280,403Cases which had an outcome:206,203 (74%)Recovered / Discharged
74,200 (26%)Deaths
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Category: 2020

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