echo hell no this time

Published April 7th, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

I had it scheduled for the morning tomorrow, but I got a bit nervous and decided to forgo that experiment in dealing with the public that is largely insane and ignorant to how this shit happens. I swear I have no idea how any HVAC companies haven’t figured out how to super blow air and super filter it so we don’t have to worry about shit floating around for hours when we’re crossing into each other’s spaces.

I think there could be experiments re-enacted to check on the efficacy of some well-placed ventilation and fans–but then you wonder if you had the wrong strength if we would just end up blowing viri all over making it easier to transmit that way? When I considered the wind argument, my feeling was air smashing against air would somehow spin these fuckers away from me. And that’s probably not entirely wrong–you’d have to have a massive density of droplets to infect a group without air blowing around–but the movement of air, I feel, is the missing factor.

Holy shit it doesn’t make sense I am sure, but I technically feel not entirely wrong about wanting to beat people for their sudden excitement making masks. Not that I am the smartest person people should be listening to, but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, people. Thinking about the whole mask argument made no fucking sense. They want them for doctors because they help them stay uninfected, but because you are a sniveling toddler idiot, you certainly couldn’t be trusted to do that as well, right? The scarcity issue is something I am VERY aware of, not that they’ve tried to really hide it since the reason was–“no no you do not want a mask because we need them for our healthcare workers.” Now it’s no, you get no protection, but the world, the world will be protected from you? And this is because there are not enough appropriate masks to give people that kind of security.

Oh oh. This reminds me. I got some hijabs, mostly because I am clearly amazing. No, but I did buy some, because what better way to cover your mouth and nose but with an entire sheath of fabric which should give a little protection but also be easier to wash– you all know I am genius here. I have a snap press–I have filter materials on their way to me right now to affix inside the mouth and nose area and ultimately I won’t have to think about it. Or do my hair ever again apparently. You know that is a win if you have hair to do. The funny thing is Don has a lot of criticism of Islam and is clearly scared to death of me having any issues, so completely endorsed the idea. It’s possible we might have been drunk doing this, but whatever. I am not now and I still think it was one of my better ideas. The best part is you only have to do your eyes for makeup, and that sounds about right to me. I will of course have to model one when it comes. I’ve got ideas to make it more me anyways.

Oh oh oh. I had to replace my iPhone with an 11–a little too early if you ask me as I had the 6 and wanted to wait for the 12. Not this time. Maybe the 15 next. But I also have something else you might appreciate, world. An iPad pro which appears to be the fucking coolest piece of computerage that I have ever been lucky enough to possess. Holy crap. My entire life I wanted one, I had wanted at one point to do 3-D animation and modeling in the late 90’s, so when this came out, OMG. But really too rich for my blood, I never expected to have one but this thing is INSANE. Ugh, the dogs are still in the way. I have to draw them with an old lady magnifying lamp, I am that overdue for having glasses. Don got it for me and told me I deserved it, which still feels weird to say.

JFC DRAW THE DAMN DOGS DEANNA. Sometimes I have to yell at myself because nobody else does. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I so want to get lost in what that thing can do. It’s like all of my imagined things can just happen now with that–the magic of evolution of technology from when I was little to now has been insane. At some point we will break out of the limitations of now and truly evolve. You kind of hope something good comes out of this mess, anyhow.

Oh and I took some new photos yesterday. OF myself! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s been at least 2 and a half years since I posted an update somewhere everyone can see, well almost–not everyone can see them but I took them so I am feeling more evolved. I feel bad, too, as I told Don I get so bored looking at my face–because I had to take like 40 to get 5 I liked. He’s like I took 5 dozen of Sting and there was only 1, F you. Have you guys been taking that many photos trying to find one you like? How much time does the average person spend taking selfies? That is the question I need answered–for me it is next to never. And never for people to actually see if I do. I’ll make up for the lack here since video is coming very very fucking soon.

Category: 2020

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