Does anyone else think it’s strange

Published May 14th, 2006 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Our idiot of a president has somehow found enough National Guardsman to patrol and block the border to Mexico, but somehow forgot to send them out for Katrina? It amazes me that people still have this fake support for him, simply for the fact that nobody wants to see their decisions as bad, or wrong. I mean I’m all for individual choice, you want to be a republican, do that. But, to sit there and defend him only because you voted for him and feel this need to show this fake unity is really preposterous. I cannot imagine one sane person alive thinking he has actually done one good thing for this country…er, actually the world, since he pretends to be a world dictator with no regard for the country who actually was stupid enough to vote him in.

I watched a doctumentary on IFC today about the war veterans…amputees or with brain damage. Nobody will be there to help them in 20 years, just like with the Vietnam war vets. At that point one would like to assume the government would have some nationalized health care plan in order to take care of its veterans and citizens. But, much as history has proven, the government really doesn’t give a shit about its people…unless they happen to be CEOs of large companies it can trade favors for…

I bet our founding fathers would be turning in their graves to see what a hypocrisy this whole country has become…democracy is a concept found in text books not practiced here for a long long time. I cannot wait for the revolution which will throw everything in a tailspin and have people actually start looking at what they’re doing. Who knows, maybe people will learn to care about their neighbors, too?

I haven’t bitched about world affairs lately. Mostly it’s easy to assume everyone everywhere is full of it. Which is basically what’s happening.

Category: 2000-2011

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