Disappeared Repaired
Though I’m not sure what my little surgeon is gonna say about my broken blood vessel and I am a bit of a mess from questioning every little detail of life around me. I figured it was time to step back up to the plate.
This is the main result of my inability to access my own computer. I turn it on and it keeps going to the main welcome screen and no manner of key combination typed in will give me any kind of result beyond the blue welcome screen. So I am essentially locked out of my creative processes at this time though for someone with so many different outlet possibilities, it’s not so bad. It could be worse I suppose. Most, though not all, of my writing is stored in my email folders anyhow.
There have been all of these little signs lately to me. The don’t be an idiot signs that paint such a clear route or path to a point where you don’t want to end up. Sadly, I do have to blame part of this observation on the lifetime movie network, which had a movie detailing the lives of a couple who have had some of the issues that I have seen in my own life. Of course, this being lifetime, it’s pretty funny as the stories end up the same way. Which is heart warming at worst, since it’s a pretty remarkable account of my misdeeds, though instigated by the male character instead of the female character. I am not talking about typical shit that breaks people up but the small things, the forgetting that we do, the taking for granted that we do when we forget how to accept love and try too hard to reinterpret its meaning.
Anyhow…I find myself appalled at my own actions today so it’s all understood.