Day 11

Published April 11th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

Today’s plan is clean this place up. I’ll update later if it’s worth remarking on visually. My mother-in-law got me a ridiculous recliner. I mean, it will be the nicest thing to sleep in and recover from surgery in. The problem is, because I am Queen nosy, my gift was revealed–which is not a bad thing given the change I requested today on it. The chair she bought for me was custom-built for me, but the chair that we should have gotten was custom-built for us both. I thought it would be a terrible thing to have a chair in here that would not accommodate us both, especially in the instance of what happens if I die? Then an expensive custom-built chair for me sits as a reminder of my non-existent recovery and even person–and he can’t even get any comfort out of it. I would not do that to anyone–and see, this is why being nosy about your gifts can pay off. I know, it’s rude. I’m an asshole, but ultimately I give a shit about my husband and his mental and physical well-being and there is no way I will let him get hurt with his family trying to help me.

So today, today I am doing Day 2 of Yoga for Beginners, Calm mind & Body
I will be doing in on the mat. I start through two different levels 10 Hz to 7.8 Hz. Again, this appears verified with the EMF reader we used yesterday–this is doing something. I feel it when it is going but I have always been kind of sensitive to this kind of energy–I used to turn lamps on without lightbulbs to feel the pulse of the energy cradled inside the place where the bulb should be. I swear you can almost feel the same pulse of energy out of trees sometimes-from the mat it’s like a throbbing pulse of energy that I have consistently and correctly felt the end of when the cycle–my husband did agree to the measure of EMF as the top measurement we got was 3x+ higher on the mat. He thinks it is crystal-woo and is not convinced–but for someone like him it’s going to take some continued work on it to show any benefits. I do think the yoga and the stretching does feel good–the only thing I will not be doing is anything putting my head below my heart for long–and any movement into any position even mimicking that needs to be very slow–quick movements of the neck arteries when you have an exploding artery disease is ALWAYS a bad move. But the slow stretching of the body over the course of 5 weeks is not a bad idea–more water is something I need to add in. I will not be going up to maximum Hz with this device either–I have stood on it for a few minutes at a time a few times, but it’s just too much for me. He seems to like it, but he’s a freak so.

So. Today has been breakfast calcium/magnesium/zinc, MSM a few hours later, Ka’Chava blended with a few things (that’s banana, yogurt blueberries) to make a thin shake. Now I am doing the same calcium/magnesium/zinc and Triple Omega, hair vitamins. Vitamin D3, some B’s I have here somewhere. I am maybe only taking all this until a week or so before so I have some time to clean it out of my body, but at least have left it in a good place to fight anything. We’re getting the 2nd booster this weekend, my consideration is should I go full Moderna or throw in a Pfizer–if I went Moderna I would be fully Modernaized–but if I went Pfizer there would be something hybrid possibly in my protection. That one I will have to go find some more research on, but I am still kind of leaning towards the full Modernaized–and let my husband by the full halfsy. Dosed with Pfizer to start, double Modernaized in the end. The secondary variants seem to be messed with further by Moderna more than Pfizer from some of the data I have read. We probably should have been boosted before I started using the mat–no need to over-perfect the response, but an interesting experiment nonetheless.

Alright and then, today we do avocado–maybe some black bean nachos for lunch. Gotta get some salmon. But today is avocado day I decided. Mushrooms salmon avocado and walnuts–I am running low on walnuts and mandarins I can easily eat a pound of walnuts a week and pounds of mandarins. Grapes. Yes, grapes are great for you. Oh yes, more blueberry bars, those were fantastic. I think that’s it for now. I think I should probably get a format here that indicates some sort of list pre-surgery. Right now I am employing a get everything ready mindset with my body. But there are other things, of course. I need a stool to sit on in the shower. I might need a few plastic hair covers. I’ve got robes but I need better slippers. I have stretch pants galore. I have some t-shirts. If I made a wish it would be better underwear, shirts and sweat outfits and warm fuzzy grippy socks even. Then there’s who’s making your food and walking your dog. That’s another obstacle I already have some ideas for, but they aren’t cheap and I am still trying to make money with some affiliate marketing of my own volition. The products I’ve used and found work well–not ones sent to me.

K. Time for yoga. Then it’s time to shower. I never did the blonde, that’s for later.

Also. I’m considering a siesta from certain social media so don’t be surprised if I disappear–I’ll likely be here for some time in.

Category: 2022, hearts

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