Day 1 of 15

Published October 10th, 2017 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Soooo….I mentioned this before but today was day 1 until 10/25. I decided to open up my vacation with a particularly un-fun activity. I mean. I did try to cancel it, namely because it was an appointment with the person I don’t like the most–the man who fixes teeth. This isn’t a personal thing as this guy did seem like he knew what he was talking about…my confidence in him increased when he mentioned the garbage job by the referring dentist. The same referring dentist poor shamed Don because he had medicaid and fucked his jaw up and didn’t give a shit…so to know he is a shit dentist on top of being a shit human being made not going to his business ever again the thing to do.

More dentistry means more debt which is really what I am just GREAT at collecting. I wish there was a job for people great at racking up debt…but that job title would just probably end up being AMERICAN. But–if you had ever read before you would know that my teeth have gone to the shitter just like my heart…as everything IS related.

Oh and tomorrow is ACTA2 day because tomorrow I meet with the geneticist to go over the specific whatever information they have on it all.

I have more news on that affiliate, um, opportunity, but I will write more on that later.

Oh oh oh. I am sure I had not written this but I am going to Austria, Germany, Hungary and the Czech Republic in December to do one of our tours touring Christmas markets. The only issue with that is–I am going alone. I have asked a few people…and some people I don’t think would be keen to walk cobblestones for ten days and some people have children and well, fuck it. I am going. I have to go or I lose my time. I bet you all are excited. That means mega posting for a while since no people exist to distract and my phone…my phone will have to be a camera that week. Oh yeah, this time I will have one–last time I had a giant camera. The photos I got I will share at some point…I’ve got a few hundred!

Oh, I know I am missing my promised photo so here is just one. I take like three anymore and pick the best when it’s these because unlike selfies–I don’t really care what I look like. I know this is ironic because this is, as defined, a photo self-portrait, but it’s NOT something I would generally share anywhere. So that is the difference. wink*wink*

BUT…ONE big goal these weeks…or maybe two? A big revamp of this site…and a start on some others. Maybe I can finally figure it out…

Category: 2000-2011

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