damn you welfare!!!!

Published February 23rd, 2006 in hearts | No Comments ยป

so while looking at my various options for income support, i did some research that indicated i might be eligible for more than just food stamps (hopefully). it does require a bit of paperwork filing and all that stuff, but it’s for sure much easier than trying to sell my body (not that anyone would pay for it, mind you). hopefully my room mate will give me the desired forms for my dip into the world of welfare on monday.

francine had an idea about asking my parents for help since they stuck their heads out there to e, telling him that since i never asked them for anything, if i did need something i just had to ask.


on brighter notes the healer has me sleeping quite soundly. he is even helping me every night until i go into the hospital, which is luxurious treatment if i ever heard of any.

e is leaving town again tomorrow until the afternoon after the morning i go into the hospital.

stroke out % for this surgery hovers around 1-3% my surgeon said. apparently the left side is trickier because of interruption to the lymphatic system that could potentially cause infection and seepage of lymphatic fluid through the skin. that one will be 3 weeks from the first one so these surgeries are slowly getting pushed into spring (early summer). the grand finale should be the 3rd week of april. they keep telling me 2-3 months of recovery but jesus! i can only live on rice and beans for so long.

so this year, half of it anyways, is in dealing with my body and mind issues. hopefully the last quarter will be me feeling healthier without all of this ticking time bomb bullshit to worry about…doing what i need to do is my second chance to fix shit and get on with my life.

now i must venture into the city to get wee wee pads because the dog has anxiety issues when i leave town…tomorrow is my day seeing meagan’s baby and hanging with kate, then to frisk with francine on saturday.

my time in boston is short, but it’s something….seeing all the peeps who care before i go in next week for the party should rock….

Category: hearts

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