cruelty is a compelling force

Published May 30th, 2019 in 2019 | No Comments »

Wow, you guys. What an amazing evolution on communication to witness. No, really. I have been commenting for quite some time on the anger and vitriol and hyperbole informing people’s opinions and beliefs. As a general statement I let people express what they want to express and then I step in with what I feel or think, if that is the kind of place or forum or discussion it is. You all know what I think about abortion and have continually pointed out WE were the ones assigning meaning and living with the effects of having made that decision and the potential baby would never know anything either way as it would never have a consciousness or cortex to be born.

Right now I am at a loss because I woke up to this message:

“One more thing before I go. You think you’re the only person bad shit has happened to? Bitch please. By all means keep honoring the life of the person you had to end (and no it wasn’t your fault but you also don’t get some kid of special card) by arguing that that’s a great and valid option for anyone cause whatever. Whatever helps you sleep at night. E argued a lot that L should be killed. I wasn’t having it because MURDER. You get the visual for your unborn kid in M’s pics? You think you’re special? You’re happy with it but bring it up every chance you get? I get a visual too every day just in a different way. Maybe you’re not so happy. Maybe you’d be happier if you weren’t advocating for something terrible just cause your stupid ass party loves it and you’re too feeble to think for yourself. “

I spent a great deal of time and energy advocating for women to choose for themselves rather than have the public guilt them into something they were not ready for nor would want to endure. I continued to point out she was interjecting her own opinion into situations nobody asked her about and that none of us has a right to make decisions for other people but she kept going and going and I wake up to that message in my inbox this morning.

Granted my mentions of what happened here are anecdotal so far, but really? Why are you all so obsessed with hurting other people that these are the words you use? Why not say, you have your opinion and I have mine but we can all get along? Because we are getting to a point where that is not a part of the dialog, allowed or encouraged because our propensity to be cruel and nasty is apparently something needing satiation. Did she feel greater resolve writing that greeting to me at 5 am my time? Maybe she smirked and said, yeah, fuck her, that’ll show her. She doesn’t really know the story except in terms I have described here to some extent, but yeah. I am working on it. Tearing yourself inside out while going through perimenopause, that gentle reminder you WILL NEVER have children again RIGHT NOW is super amazing, let me fucking tell you.

No idea. All I know is we all have to be very careful of the people we let into our circles of influence if they choose to attack rather than support us. I used to think I agreed women did rely too heavily on abortion but nobody I have never known has not tortured themselves for weeks or years afterwards because of a decision they felt they had to make FOR THEMSELVES. I want NO part of telling other people what to do or guilt them into bringing a life into THIS WORLD?!?! THIS FUCKING WORLD, GUYS?

Whatever. The world will continue on without humans more logically but holy shit, any of you not wanting to sentence another life to the remaining years on this planet where they will watch everything die and disappear. I do not blame you. Because I am not you. And I still believe you deserve the rights to make decisions for your own lives.

Category: 2019

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