COVID 19 realizations: The Heart Damage is Real

Published March 4th, 2022 in 2022 | No Comments ยป

I read something today while reviewing for my other site–and it kind of hurts my head, because I somehow saw it coming, and the other part of me has some hope that more investment will be made in alleviating some of the issues that come with heart damage, strokes and the other things that happen when your health gets affected. Again, I’d like to point out that you should never trust other people’s interpretation of the data for guidance, fuck even mine, but if you looked to see what level of infection was still consistent in the population, you’d realize it hasn’t changed & we still have a lot of people sick, and a lot of people still getting sick. We still have well over 10k dying every week–it is absurd to pretend otherwise. Part of it is people have no balls anymore–I mean honestly, what is the worst travesty any of you can really remember dealing with on some difficult level? For some, school shootings. As kids ours were Russia nuke drills, because those guys will never be the good guys.

The point is we aren’t a good group of people who understand the value of cooperation and care. The US is a very individual rules kind of society–cooperation, if ever given, is often conditional or fleeting-people seem to be able to be only so generous and only sometimes. We don’t have the ability to see the bigger picture because our world-view is often limited to community, news source, or internet exposure. We don’t talk to each other enough to truly know what’s going on, and at this rate, in a fucking pandemic, no less, we aren’t apt to find out anytime soon.

What has resulted here is a collapse of the cooperation needed to avoid hurting people with mass infections. The government has given up on us–you’d think they have some sociological advisers up there realizing part of America is literally willing to sell all of its good health away to flip off the libs, and some others pointing out you can only save so many from their own ignorance. The irony of course is its appearing some bad outcomes are coming for people in regards to their cardiovascular health. It makes me wonder what I might want to do with these kinds of things-yeah actually my friend here I need to get a hold of–psst psst.

But yes, here is the article which I assume might change the dynamic between the public and our representatives. We all need healthcare. Honestly. Look at this shit.

Importantly, they looked at overall health not just in the immediate aftermath of the infection, but an entire year after Covid-19. (The researchers estimated the “post-Covid year” timeframe among those not actually infected using statistical methods.) Investigators included Covid-19 survivors who were never hospitalized (131,612 people), in addition to those who recovered after staying in the intensive care unit (5,388 people) or regular hospital ward (16,760 people).The results are clear and very significant: Compared with similar people who had not been infected with SARS-CoV-2, those who recovered from infection had many more blood clots, heart problems and strokes. The extent of the differences across the 20 different cardiovascular conditions is among the greatest of any clinical study I have read. It is jaw-dropping.

So you see what the issue is, world. Not only will we have the people who had no vaccine to avoid their condition, meaning it didn’t exist to prevent it, but we will also have people who chose having no vaccine to prevent their condition then experiencing these same heart issues. No, I am not ignoring those who got infected pre-knowledge of this shit (though remember I warned you guys!), yes they are counted & some got infected even with the vaccine, but they are far better off than the barebackers. Now of course there is the issue there will be more cash invested in aortic and stroke and cardiovascular issues–but ultimately many will realize there is nothing worse than losing your health. No amount of money can make losing it worth it, trust me. You will never find a single rich person who thinks that, and once you lose your good health, your likelihood of never being rich is exponentially worse.

Category: 2022

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