Compression Boots: A Surgical Need

Published April 4th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments ยป

So I got a little help yesterday–this was good because we hadn’t paid my credit cards in a few months and I needed a few things, as mentioned recently. A few hundred dollars can go a long way in my world to remedying things–right now things are a bit tight because of some of my last minute medical needs and some issues I had overspending a bit. I wasn’t spending it on Louis Vuitton or anything like that, nothing fun, no, but on fucking food. I am kind of a foodie–I will spend good money on a good cut of meat or to complete a meal I think would be good to try–there’s almost nothing I won’t or feel I can’t make. So on the list, as mentioned, is a PEMF mat, which may or may not be absolute hogwash hoo-ha whatever, but we will see–the cost of that will be $750 a month, so that might be lumped in with a possible place to help if someone offers, but the compression boots ended up being a bit over $105 and I have to tell you–they are AMAZING. Now, I have what do you call them, pastrami feet, pretty purple and ugly most of the time. If it’s 95 and sweaty, they’re fine, but generally speaking temperatures under 70 or 80 they look like they’ve been forgotten in the refrigerator. So I did the thing rotating between two cycles of each and wow wow wow. First of all, YES. And second of all. YES, I don’t even care if you don’t need heart surgery, you want these for the general foot and calf relief. No seriously–you want THESE boots:

Best Compression Boot

Now I would say these are going to work pretty well post surgery to help keep it all going, but I will be checking out the full leg option if I can get them to even send me one to try on and review. I was looking for just a good compression boot as it helps avoid clotting when you don’t need those problems at all. This ended up being a bit up from the original base model I considered, but the reviews really are stellar (& I haven’t yet written my full one yet. So–you strap yourself in velcro-style and pull them not circulation tightly but fairly firm across your calves and feet. You turn it on and ultimately the default setting is green and mode 1 is Sequence, which goes through a sequence of foot to calf–now this mode is the rougher mode–part of it I could not extend past green which was level 1 in terms of pressure. 2 is yellow, that’s medium, and red is this fucking hurts a lot if you aren’t used to being handled, which is definitely me at this rate having abstained from massage therapy for a number of years–the last time was when I was working with them and that was well over a decade ago now. A is sequence but B is circulation–and circulation I could handle green or yellow, but red again to me is omg beat me up or cut my leg off. A few times I shut the machine down entirely. Circulation is what I would guess would kind of emphasize a reflexology or lymphatic drainage experience the best though certainly involves far more pressure than what a lymphatic drainage kind of experience entails. Now I will admit I didn’t go look to see how many times was too many times with this machine, but I did wake up early and put them on to help settle my ankles and feet again and they felt amazing again. Yesterday I slid off the couch after about 4 times going through 2 cycles on both sides. I strapped them on to my husband who also agreed they were nice but was angry this morning when he had knee pain again.

He’s not listening to me with the MSM powder also a pre-surgical preventative plan–I would love to link what I am taking but only one per post apparently or it just cuts off any additional info. Thanks, BEZOS! You gotta rule everything, huh? My husband’s complaint is it is too bitter and he’s not used to suffering for anything so won’t take it-and truly spits it out like a 5 year old sometimes when I’ve tried to feed it to him. BTW, Amazon finally approved me for all this shit I recommend, I am now an affiliate. It is a garbage company, though, as they monopolize your links and will not allow you to have a single post with a link off their site–if you include them in your post, no off-site links which is a whole level of gestapo that makes me want to see Jeff Bezos’ house burn down. ALL OF THEM.

Category: 2022, hearts

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