channels for change…..bring it on.

Published October 31st, 2004 in 2000-2011 | 7 Comments »

So today’s conversations are largely fueled by politics, or poli-hicks,
in the case of George W. With Tuesday’s elections fast upon us, it
seems pretty simple who to choose…Or so you think. The country is so
widely divided on these issues because there is a lack of education
attributed to the general voting public. It seems interesting when you
talk to people about politics, yet their main source of information is
what their designated politician of choice is telling them. For the
hugest contingent of southern voters, I almost feel as if the mandatory
iq test should be in order before even allowing them to step into the
polls. Unfortunately, it is certainly the right of the ridiculous to take
part in such a huge decision as this, mainly because we are the United
States, and such discrimination is highly looked down upon. I
personally feel as though a million Billy Bob Jo Ray Thumpkins should
not be allowed to decide the fate of this country primarily because
their reasoning is usually off because they don’t have an opinion.
Again, I suggest looking up miserable failure on, because
the first and top-most choice for the icon of “miserable failure” is
someone I am sure we could all guess.

How could you vote for this fool? So many of us ask every day, confused
by the rest of this country’s apparent blindness to the complete and
utter baloney that this administration pumps out. It’s propaganda, and
the fear that seems to be the main force behind the paranoid
population’s voting choice should truly be questioned. For example, you
can ask someone who claims dutiful allegiance to the Republican party,
and allegiance to the grand master of illusions, George W. and they
will usually remark with some plug about feeling more secure about
George’s tactics. As an example, we are safe because everyone fears us.
It was even suggested to me that we had nothing to worry about from the
far east because they respect authority. Funny, since as I understood
it, respecting authority comes with a choice of who you see as
authority, and if you deem another entity or party as having a greater
authority over you, then you choose to follow that route.  We fear
another 9-11, vote for George W because he is the only one with the
vision to protect us as he has in these horrid times. Let me remind you
what cost this apparent protections comes with. Our enemies and our
allies hate us now not only for the gross negligence that we have
become by being too big for our britches, but they now apparently hate
what we represent. It is not a personal hatred, bred by any personal
interactions with specific Americans, but a hatred of our gross
negligence and handling of conflicts that have nothing to do with us.
What we represent is not humility nobility moral justice or anything
else they try to pretend we represent, but rather a wider-spreading
arrogance that has cost the lives of our own, and others completely
outside the situation. The lives of those who basically ended up being
in the wrong place at the wrong time simply because we were there. So
what does this mean? How do we handle this? Does this mean that the
“liberation” of Iraq was a terrible terrible thing? Yes, and no. Number
one, we have made it a habit to swoop in, train, and arm people who
later on threaten to kick and attack our asses (see Afghanistan, and
the list is perpetually longer). Secondly, the guy was a dictator, not
a terrorist by our standard definitions. He attacked his own people,
seemingly without complete regard to state, race, or what have you. He
was a sadistic motherfucker, and so were his sons. I agree. If it were
touted as a humanitarian issue, and we, as well as a group of nations
supports such an initiative, then go for it. It was a decision with
world-wide consequences, and so we must all take responsibility for
that, and get the majority vote to move in.

Consider, for example, the
atrocities and Genocide of the Darfur region of Sudan, where not being
a janjaweed is a sure death sentence, without regard to sex age,
ability (they freely execute women and children at random, doing
horrendous things to their bodies and torturing them oftentimes before
they die). Why don’t we go liberate Sudan, for example? The oil. The
oil pumps and the drilling that sustained a fake economy in Iraq is
certainly a bigger draw than this presently unexplored desert region of
Africa. They did discover oil there recently, and only time will tell
what motives would clearly drive us to go in and intervene.

It’s a
simple thing, and for someone like Bush, capitalism has taken on a new
meaning. When they won’t make you sure, make them share with you. Kill
the dictator, seize the oil wells, show pictures of cheering civilians
pushing busts of the old dictator off their pedestals. Watch marines
throw candy to children and watch the kids scoop down to pick up the
candy. Watch the boom and the pieces of those little kids spray across
the street. Good idea, chum. Of course they will love you. They know
you. They know your culture. They were told of your lazy habits and big
buildings, how you spend money on drugs and alcohol, how you think you
can buy loyalty from anyone. They’ve heard about your cars, how soft
your clothes are, how slick your hair is. And they love you for it,
right? Because they obviously have the ability to picture themselves in
your place, not having understood or touched your frivolity at any point
in their natural lives. They are told to respect their elders, and
peers. They know you ship your elders off to fancy nursing homes, where
they hear that tubes reflect life back into their veins, and you forget
about them, impervious to their importance to the balance of life. They
hear you burn money like there is no tomorrow, but there are many on
your streets that eat trash, and  starve, freezing alone in a magical
thing called snow. They think you all drive big beasts of metal and
spend your time far away from any faith believing, trust in anything
besides your bank account. Of course they love you. They want you
there. Who wouldn’t? With your introduction of McDonald’s and plastic
toy happy meals, there will be more to fill up those holes in the
ground where some trash is buried now. Then your lanscape can slowly
become littered with what we see everyday dotting our horizons.
Cigarette butts, detergent caps and containers. These things called
Styrofoam cups. When you bring in your missonaries, preaching about
some messiah and Jesus, and threaten you with eternal damnation,
they’ll believe. They will start everyday in fear of your big bad god
that sheds torment.But, don’t worry they love you just fine.

Oh, and if that little tirade weren’t enough: Consider these facts:

Unempoyment rate when Bill Clinton took office in 1993?   7.5%

Unemployment rate when Bill Clinton left office in 2001?   4.0%

Unemployment rate as of September 2003?   6.1%

Number of jobs lost when  unemployment fell to 6.1%, between June and August of 2003?   90,000

Number of jobs created during the Clinton years:   22.5 million

Number of jobs created during the  Clinton years in the private sector:   20.7 million

Number of jobs created by George W years:   -2.6 million.

Number of jobs created by George W in the private sector:   -3.3 million.

Percentage increase of annual (yearly) Bankrupticies filed from 2000-2003:    29%

Number of Americans without Health Insurance, end of 2000:    39.8 million

Number of Americans without Health Insurance, end of 2003?   43.6 million.

Number of Americans without Health Insurance at some point of 2001-2002:   74.7 million


And these Bushisms, quoted by the big P, himself:

“If  I’m the one, when I put my hand on the bible, when I put my hand
on the bible, I will swear not to-to uphold the laws of the land”
Toledo, Ohio, October, 27, 2000.

“It’s important for us to explain to our nation that life is important.
It’s not only life of babies,  but it’s the life of children living in,
you know, the dark dungeons of the internet.” Arlington Heights, Il,
October 24, 2000.

” I don’t want nations feeling like they can bully ourselves and our
allies. I want to have a ballistic defense system so that we can make
the world more peaceful, and at the same time I want to reduce our own
nuclear capacities to the level commiserate with keeping the peace.”
Des Moines, IA, October 23, 2000

“Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream.” LaCross, WI, October 18, 2000

“It’s going to require numerous IRA agents.” (on Gore’s tax plan) Greensboro, NC October 10, 2000

“I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to
answer questions. I can’t answer your question.” Reynoldsburg, OH
October 4, 2000

“We cannot let terrorists or rogue nations hold this nation hostile or
hold our allies hostile”. CNN online chat, August 30, 2000

“The senator has got to understand of he’s going to have-he can’t have
it both ways. He can’t take the high horse and then claim the low
road”. Florence, South Carolina, February 17, 2000

Ok. I do understand it’s possible to kind of side with the guy. I mean,
he’s pathetic, and kind of retarded. And really, who doesn’t feel bad
for retarded people? Not many I know.

The real question is:   Do you really want a retarded person running
your country, and getting yo’ asses clean blowed up in the interim?

I think not.

Please, everyone, VOTE. And no, don’t exercise your ability to hire the
fucker to screw us up even further. John Kerry isn’t that brilliant of
an entertainer, but at least his ideas are sound. Health care savings
account? How much money do you think it takes to pay for a fucking
surgery? One day in the ER averages 5 grand, with tests. A surgery
would be in the tens of thousands, if not more, for heart surgery. You wanna be
responsible for that, or the difference? It would make just another
well into your money, your credit, and certainly your future.

Category: 2000-2011

7 Responses to “channels for change…..bring it on.”

  1. “I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions. I can’t answer your question.” Reynoldsburg, OH October 4, 2000

    Ok: this one is my favorite. It just about sums up G.W. in a nutshell. Francis, you rock. Happy Halloween, too.

    I love you, Francis.

    XOXOXO- The Other Francis

  2. Anonymous says:

    Billy Bob Jo Ray Thumpkins, eh?

    There are some of us who reside below the Mason-Dixon Line that actually have a clue to what is going on in the world and are NOT Bush fans. Yes, they’ve begun to teach us how to read in the schoolhouses down south. We even know how to use the internet. Amazing! Some of us even wear shoes and chose NOT to marry our cousins. Go figure. Thanks for the insightful commentary on our cultural and regional differences. Ignorance begets ignorance.

    Oh, and wasn’t Clinton a good ole Southern boy? Yes, I believe he was.

    • deanna says:

      Re: Billy Bob Jo Ray Thumpkins, eh?


      The point was well-taken, though it certainly was never a matter of taking down any specific region. I was born and raised in some places that aren’t too friendly to that statement.

      And Clinton, I maintain, was probably the greatest president of our lifetime. Him being southern didn’t help or hinder that. That’s for sure.

  3. exxistence says:

    Lost vote

    Who ‘wins’ doesn’t matter in a/the way. Even if Bush wins he and his fellow travellers have already lost.

    The time is coming when the twin towers of capitalism and evangelism will crumble into ground zero where the mirage of linear time is nothing. Those who see these towers as their religion will have nothing to help them bear the compassion that angels like you heap upon them now and from time non-existent. And as the material illusion disappears they will see from the decaying cadavers they are so attached to the spirits of the Iraqis and Nicaraguans and Palestinians and Somalis and Vietnamese and all the others they have liberated from their bodies and have found paradise.

    And the Native Americans and the descendants of slaves will join with you in weightless flight and in eternal song.

    Bush – the burning bush of the forbidding patriarch Moses – and those who will elect him, have made millions around the world, including many of those who once thought America could bring hope, believe that you and all your fellow Americans are as ignorant as those who have committed the atrocities of Abu Graib and Fallujah. But when you join with them as one spirit they will know the path you follow and embrace you.

    “A sleep of prisoners”
    The human heart can go the lengths of God.
    Dark and cold we may be, but this
    Is no winter now. The frozen misery
    Of centuries breaks, cracks, begins to move;
    The thunder is the thunder of the floes,
    The thaw, the flood, the upstart Spring.
    Thank God our time is now when wrong
    Comes up to face us till we take
    The longest stride of soul men ever took.
    Affairs are now soul size.
    The enterprise
    Is exploration into God.
    Where are you making for? It takes
    So many thousand years to wake,
    But will you wake for pity’s sake!

    by Christopher Fry

    • Re: Lost vote

      Your comment is so tragically beautiful and appropriate. It has served to momentarily take the sting out of being part of this growing fascist oligarchy.

      I’m going to save this so I can remember…

      • exxistence says:

        Re: Lost vote

        I hope it removes the sting forever. Their values are so worthless that they really do deserve more pity than hate, whatever the effect on your physical being. Feel the power of your wings!!

  4. Alas, I predicted Kerry by a comfortable margin. HA!!

    I can’t tell you how fucking scared I am right now; and you so very effectively summed up why. God damn fascists seem to be taking power again in this century too: the House and the Executive; gay marriage amendments to 5 state constitutions…

    At the Halloween parade in the village they had these fantastic arm bands and cards:

    The cards read, “It’s what happens when profits are placed before people.” The new fascism is corporate: a very scary Halloween trick has become, I fear, all too real.

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