because I am great at breaking things

Published October 18th, 2017 in 2015 and beyond | No Comments ยป

The TV. My god, the TV. You wouldn’t think such a thing would be important as it were, but for me and Don, we don’t really own anything of value except the TVs. Well, now the TV. Anyways. So yesterday, my last line as I mentioned, I was getting literally fumed out of my place because a four foot line of polyurethane was painted around the entire perimeter of the building, thus touching three walls entirely. So I had to perch the fan on the ledge, yeah, hovering over the goddamn TV and I had pushed it up to the front but at some point, it got so stinky I thought let’s block this room from any air and circulate what’s out there and open the door every once in a while. The fan slowly edged itself to the corner…and then, as I sat here watching a show on Netflix and I don’t even remember the name of, but I heard it, and with it the crushing of any sober possibility last night or really any love from Don which is a condition likely to last for a while because. The fucking car came up again. If you all recall the issue with me, I don’t even know maybe I never mentioned it but I was the one driving his car when it got totaled finally and I was driving it having lost the title of the car he now uses to get to work for a time after I didn’t do something he specifically advised. I had brought the title to work under the guise I could use someone’s car to go get the title transferred to me and registered, but couldn’t ever find it after a week and there you go, he was right. But I just ruined his 3rd most valuable asset. I already ruined the first and only the other TV is left. But yeah…I get it. I am the ruiner of things.

So the TV was the third most valuable thing we own and he didn’t pay more than $50 for it, which is not the point but it was a pretty sweet 50 inch flatscreen. I was going to take a picture of it but I didn’t in any way want to relive the horror. I was literally screaming about it telling the dog over and over daddy isn’t going to like mommy anymore.

And boy…wow, he does not at all right now. Not a fucking speck. He might love me under there but he is not having me or any of this right now and I am in the middle of my last week of vacation and unfortunately–it’s just gonna get shittier from here on out. My birthday is Saturday and Alyse wants to go to the parade and I am going to be Queen of Broken Hearts again which actually might end up being more literal than anything depending on where Don is gonna let his brain go on me.

Here you go. Two fall photos. Very much Cap Hill Denver and what it looks like right now


Category: 2015 and beyond

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