baby dates, I mean updates

Published December 29th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 5 Comments ยป

so life is pretty spectacular. I mean REALLY spectacular.

the paper from hell? I got a B on it. I wrote a paper about mimesis and used perezhilton and tmz in it. it was actually pretty interesting, though my argument might have a flaw or two in it (but nothing major based on my supporting documentation). He could have given me a B- and that wouldn’t have been so bad. I have not scored anything lower than a B- in school which was given to me by a mean professor that Francine made me feel a lot better about…

Either way, school is done for the semester and the new year is coming in with a big ‘ol bang. I will be in Denver celebrating it with FS since my mother got me a ticket a few months ago to come visit for NYE, a little post Kissmas soiree of sorts.

this young man I am involved with…though it is difficult for me to utter, so I will write:

this young man happens to give me everything I have ever wanted in a relationship, but have been too scared to ask for, or just not lucky enough to get. honestly.

these include but are not limited to (in no particular order):

reciprocal interesting conversation-good things to say!!!
he makes me laugh often and laughs at me (or with me)
incredibly smart
stupid sexy (melt-worthy smile and eyes etc)
taller than me and can throw me around (I say this thinking of him popping me over his shoulder this morning to the bed)
(I am 5’10 so the 6’4 thing works quiteee well)
he likes to kiss…who with it likes to do anything but stick it in?
he likes to kiss
he likes to kiss
and happens to be one of the most amazing kissers I have ever kissed (juicy lips do that)
we have a lot of fun together and are very content being around each other
he loves my turkey asa and even loves the crazy puppy sophie
when I have been upset has actually calmed me down, not tried to, but actually has because his demeanor is so calm and caring
he got along with my mother (not my birth mother but the one I grew up with mother)
he’s charming
his family is super sweet
and last but not least…he makes me feel safe. I can’t explain that exactly. But when you know, you know. not in a I will be with you forever you are safe way, but an emotional and physical protectiveness safe. the only guy I have ever dated who has stuck up for me (even if it was just in theory). I have never heard anyone say “he can’t talk to you like that.” before him (except on tv)

hmmm. there is more to say but some things need to stay shhh for a time.

colorado in two days, snow melt. sun. mountains. F and family= beauty.

Category: 2000-2011

5 Responses to “baby dates, I mean updates”

  1. tsdk says:

    Your guy sounds dreamy and just honestly, like a good match. Some people are and some people aren’t. Doesn’t make them better or worse- just a better match for YOU.

    Glad things are going well and you are free from school. I’m sure that’s a huge relief.

    • deanna says:

      indeed. i have been feeling extremely grateful these days for what i have. and the only things in my life needing adjustment are in the economic department (which is changing with the new year’s resolutions etc)

      I agree with you on that whole matchmaking thing. I think I realized right away that we would be good after we talked about why we left our respective exes…and some of the reasons were the exact same (we’re both a little messy and free and not so good with extreme organizaiton etc, not uptight, bla bla bla)

      I don’t think I have ever been this evenly happy in a while. It’s a new emotion to get used to…

  2. cthulu4prez says:

    Sounds like you’re finally happy. I am still working on that myself. Knowing any other part of my life I will have to fight hard for it, but it will happen. Great to know you’re doing well.

    • deanna says:


      It’s been a bit tough this past year because of how everything went down and winded down…I am finally feeling calm so everything should be smooth sailing from now on.

      I tried to utilize “secretesque” ideas when thinking of my life. Focusing on the positive instead of the difficulty has proved to be the winning cominbation.

  3. iam_hooked says:

    Glad to hear your so happy, you deserve it.

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