an ease of inspiration if you just let it come

Published October 11th, 2017 in Pleasantly Positive | No Comments ยป

I am Mrs. Progress today…a continuance from yesterday. My friend the dentist, wow, I wish I took a photo from the chair out the window, but ANYWAYS…I am going back at the end of the month to get a root canal finished that was not properly done by the dirtbag dentist. I scheduled those two appointments. I scheduled the geneticist appointment. I listened to a few copywriting audio chapters. I cleaned the stove. I cleaned my apartment a little, I cleaned the outside patio and removed the white aluminum skeleton of my tent…my tent is the thing I get every year because I live in a closet, just about. Don and I live in an apartment that is 22 feet by 22 feet jesus fucking christ I just measured it with my steps it is maybe 500 sq feet including the bathroom. So I set my tent up outside and I don’t get a tiny thing. No I get a fucking 10×20 white catering tent with windows and zippered walls. It is my living room in a place where there is just no way we could entertain. It is the place I spend the most time in the summer on property as it had a futon and a fan and the barbecues hover on the edges and it is my quiet space in a place where space is slim.

Don and I have a 50 inch flatscreen in the bedroom and a 55 in our tiny living room that is what, big enough to house me and Don and a big oafy puppy dog who’s a hundred pounds already. We can’t really fit more than one or two more people in here at any given time with any level of comfort.

This week’s goals.
revamp hearts
launch deco version 1 and 2
why version 1 and 2? all of these little side businesses seem to have their own agreements and non competes…so I registered two versions of deco sites to keep myself legally protected
paint the birdhouse and lamp it out (this is going to be featured as a finished product on one of the deco sites so you’ll see)
finish the two copywriting courses I am signed up for today and tomorrow
get my passport and id on Friday…the id is the single thing remaining needing replacement from the last dance with homeless people. The passport I gotta get expedited since December I flee and it’s expired…
*EDIT*last night was day 1 of new sobriety…I want to be pretty for those photos Friday after all.

This week will end on the weekend and Sunday is still a day to get shit done so if I complete more I am golden. All while serenading the world with my rambling thoughts. god, I gotta get out more. My world is literally THIS desk. This desk, my bed, a few walks every day with the dog, dinner usually cooked by me later afternoon and evening when Don is returning–if we don’t get drunk we fuck and go to bed–if we get drunk I am passed out by 8–I’ve jumped off facebook and honestly…I need to launch that damn website with my political commentary because it’s the kind of thing people WANT to look for, not be exposed to in between baby pictures or what the hell you ate that day.

Oh here…here I am sitting at my desk and you can see the tv behind my head–that’s the cave I am in daily. Today’s picture is version 1–I get excited when the first one is good enough to post, so that’s my effort…later on I MIGHT might might might do another one with a more done up thing. I’m high, I’ve had coffee.

I am contemplating whore foods breakfast because you CAN go in there and spend $6 or $7 to get breakfast guys. Yeah yeah yah I get the whole small farms argument. But you wanna know what I used to do? NOT FUCKING EAT. Yeah, that’s a solution. But I did it, and I did it well. I wear a size 6 and subsist largely on wine. How would someone do that? STARVATION. The end. I’m getting better, trust me on that–but since the election my calorie intake is coffee, one meal, and wine. Not a little wine. Enough wine to poison me to sleep. How the fuck else you guys deal with this world is beyond me but I am trying. Join me as I fucking try to elevate myself out of Trump hell…haaha. I kid…a little anyways.


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