a little bit calmer now…

Published March 23rd, 2020 in 2020 | No Comments ยป

I did sing that, as I often sing little phrases like an idiot. You can make everything into a song if you just try a little. The interesting thing about that is I like to do it, but fuck anyone else who tries to do that. I like my own soundtrack and lyric set–and really absolutely hate musicals. There’s nothing worse to me than someone else’s interpretation of the simplest moments. I guess I am just realizing as I write this. I really do not do not like musicals. The last one I saw was Spamalot on Broadway like 15 years ago now, which I admit was cute but even still I couldn’t tell you a single thing about it right now. Like not a single thing at all that’s how forgettable people’s singing experiences are when it comes to those. I should not hate them as much as I do, but I just do.

So I feel a bit bit better now though you sometimes wonder is it allergies or coronavirus? I guess I will have to start wearing my mask out there out there, but I think er, hope, that any throat irritation is the result of smoking a little something, though I’ll admit I changed the rules again. After dark, to sleep if I need, but there is really nothing productive about that unless you are in a lot of pain, which I generally refuse to be in as a matter of principle, though who really is never not in pain at points?

Let’s admit it, though. Nobody gives a shit about body pain, though it’s certainly worth contemplating being better than being emotionally shattered freaking out about getting something that is invisible to all of us, and sometimes for a while after exposure. If I have been it’s been nothing I didn’t take extreme precautions to avoid. So I guess there is that. I tried, world. I tried. Haha. That would be oh so much more poignant if I did kick it with this, but what I am doing is this.

Two online classes. Copywriting I am on week 2 of an apprenticeship and this weekend or maybe in the evening the WP class I am so behind on getting to online. One important thing I have realized about any class is you cannot effectively do a class unless you get the hell off the couch and sit at a desk or a table. It is not conducive to full absorption of new information without sitting down and adjusting your posture, your breathing, and regaining your attention for the task at hand. That is definitely something I have been learning—your posture is important in adjusting attention and the right tension for learning. If you try to do it on the couch I am not saying you won’t learn something, of course you will, but retaining that something requires you get the hell up and adjust your attention and focus. There is also the idea you can have a show like the Shadowhunters on in the background blasting baloney about the clave! the clave! every ten minutes. Better to get the hell out of the distraction zone to get to the absorption zone is the conclusion there.

I am also staying inside the rest of the week. I have a food box I might mail for Don but I am staying in, Duke gets his walk but even then I will have to wear a mask. It might help with any possible allergies since we do have an industrial strength filter in here. It looks like all the stuff I have been doing for weeks, the cleaning of packaging and boxes and produce when they come in people are starting to get on board with–as well as the masks. I know, I know, clearly healthcare providers need them. I am not discounting that. But considering they should be using one per patient, prevention might be less of a burden with everyone wearing them out for a while. I feel like that is a common sense solution to the pandemic. Make everyone wear masks for 6 weeks and we could cut it down to nothing. Because everyone is washing their hands and people with masks would still be sneezing into the mask into their elbow there would be less chance for it to hit the air. More on that later, that is coronaprone information. But I do think it would be easy to enforce and ticket since they are the opposite of obscure. Today’s numbas below:

Total number of US cases: 41,569 [1:36 pm MT]
Closed: 691
Recovered: 187
Deaths: 504

Now in Colorado we have 5,436 tested, 591 confirmed, 7 dead. Not terrible ultimately, check the source of the state btw for that.


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