a flu shot to start the day

Published October 19th, 2017 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

6:15 this morning had me getting blood and a flu shot as a part of our yearly bio-metrics. I have a 31 inch waist and I weigh 138 pounds and a blood pressure that is too high–diastolic over systolic, right? 144/68 was it? I hadn’t taken my medicine yet as I am lazy sometimes and walking to the grocery store is a better idea some days over others. Don was there and got his flu shot, too, though they aren’t as concerned about his general health given he isn’t the employee covering us. Don returned home last night with some good news–might be more of a future for him where he is without killing himself as they want him for an office NOC job, which he’s done a billion times before so there you go. I still think we really might want to remedy our living position. The 500 square feet is one issue but there is possibility of a bigger space if things work as they should–but right now the conundrum is–paying roughly double what we are now to move or let him suffer through an insufferable commute in both directions.

I really am waiting for the manned drone flights to start as if he could fly to work it would certainly be easier. Though my belief is that you cannot have flying drones in a world where people have so many guns. It is a sad reality that human nature would probably perpetuate people either trying to shoot other drones out of the sky or use their drone to take yours down. I think it is a possible solution to certain travel headaches…but at the end of the day we would have to be better people, or really people we clearly are not, in order for it to be a safe venture at all. Maybe one day it’s a possibility as I told Don drones eventually will get personal and it’s maybe what, 10-15 years before we have them flying people around. It would certainly help us but again, he works in a part of the country that would just as soon shoot you out of the sky over threaten any space or privacy they might have. I told Don what he should do is take a stethoscope to some of the creepier properties and just listen on the wall–you know some of these guys DEFINITELY have hidden spaces and probably people trapped under their properties in certain rooms. He’s already told me about a few places where he was followed around like someone was afraid he would discover something–those are probably the internet streams you would want to monitor, the creepy hateful ones out in the prairie–the shit in their data streams would be something I wouldn’t be keen to want to see and would give a weird profile I am sure. I am sure my google search is also bizarre–I always good things like why does the President hate black and and the sick and poor people and all manner of extremes. I googled how old his dad was before he died, I google unanswerable questions like that all the time because it’s like google is god…holy crap I just realized this. I basically ask google things people probably ask of whatever entity they give credence for their existence to–and I just ask questions to see if the question has been posed the same way before. Sometimes yes, often no–but I still ask. I also am one of 5 people you know who does go read all the shit on every subject I can that I feel compelled to have an opinion on, but to me that is just responsible. If I don’t know who owns a news source I am reading I go google that–that unfortunately has a lot of terrible results so I don’t encourage that if you want to avoid knowing and then having it turn to some amalgamation of hate.

So RockSober literally has 6 sober of 19 days. I am sure my blood tests might show that’s an issue so I really need to cut it out, which is actually proving to be a MUCH harder thing than I am maybe comfortable admitting. We aren’t like AA level at this point–we drink a bottle or two of wine now 5-6 nights a week with/after dinner. We generally don’t fight and he forgave me for the TV thing and I always forget he needs a day to wind down most of the time. But we wake up and go to work, we do the things we need as a whole but anything with that kind of frequency is clearly an issue. It’s time to stop…I might have to do a ticket system where we get like 3 a week to use and we have to choose accordingly. Oh the things we use to tame and discipline ourselves–WE shall see. Today’s lip is a younique one, SPECIAL, which is a limited item sold only this month.

Category: 2000-2011

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