a clot is a knot is a spot

Published June 12th, 2019 in 2019, hearts | 2 Comments ยป

Oh and I have those for sure. It appears I somehow manifested a clot down there, it shot down not up, guys–and it is cutting the blood off to the leg and since I also do not want to lose the leg, as was suggested, time to get that sucker blasted. Tomorrow it is.

Lame, you guys, quite lame.

But, as is the case with many things–there’s some good news here. The clot is down vs traveling up, which means they will try to blast it, then suck it out with some newfangled vaccuum I won’t be awake to hear. If they do not do this, it is a bypass all the way.

Still sucks ass.

Category: 2019, hearts

2 Responses to “a clot is a knot is a spot”

  1. Friend says:

    Are you on Warfarin? It seems to help ACTA2 individuals to be on it with aspirin.

    • deanna says:

      I am on baby aspirin and plavix right now with the warfarin. The plavix and aspirin got added with the clot. I don’t know that I am bruising more because the last time I had none was too long ago to recall.

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