
Published April 17th, 2009 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Working in the random capacities as a manager has taught me a lot over the years. Currently I am employed with a beauty company doling out advice and services to those who have $300 for La Mer creams and $200 for facials. It is not the easiest, nor the hardest position I have held. I suppose this is because I did bring experience to it, but also because the stresses of working this kind of job are just as superficial as the concerns of those who patronize us.

It is by far one of the most dysfunctional companies I have ever worked for…I have a knack for picking them out somehow. Or maybe it is just that all of them are like this. The teams responsible for ensuring we have product to sell to our customers are certainly not fully invested in its success or they wouldn’t pull some of the stunts they pull. Bad inventory, mismanagement and a continuing display of failure due to inefficiency. Yes, I know I have a job like most of you. I dream of doing something that makes me happy, that makes work not seem like hell. A neutral daily experience would certainly be better than a negative one.

So I am going to school to give myself those options. Majoring in writing is something I have always wanted to do but have been very afraid to do. I suppose many people in my program now feel like this especially since the beginning of the combustion of published tactile articles. But I could be used for some of the skills I have developed in regards to marketing: key words, catch phrases, all that fluffery that makes creative writing creative.

I often whine and complain about the working full time going to school part time thing because it is hard. My only other options involve disengaging from work and going to do other things…far away from this bustling metropolis and all of the energy that fuels the fire. I want to speed through the next three years because there is no savoring the experience. Every iota of it has started to torch my insides. I want to be done because I am too old to appreciate it, as stupid as that might sound. Ivy league,-shmivy league…I don’t care. I just want that shiny degree as a demarcation of what I have done.

Category: 2000-2011

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