The Face for 10/6 is the One I Hate
Ugh. I did it again…yesterday’s drinking fiasco was my own fault. Alyse and I hung up for a while and a can of wine sounded just fine. When Don got home we were supposed to just drink the 4 box and be done…but with such small quantity dissemination it didn’t seem like enough so getting another few cans seemed like a genius idea.
But you can see it in my face…the downward draw of things. The puff, the unclear eyes, the general gross face you get when you drink too much, which I do.
It’s a drag but alcohol and sugar are terrible vices for me I would like to cleanly kick to the curb. Just need more practice. Just need to say no tonight even since I don’t work tomorrow but Sunday I do I need to stop blaming Don or either one of us and just make the damn decision for myself.
See this? Terrible visage…bahhhhh