deep thoughts by deanna
One thing is for sure, when you spend as much time alone as I do, you tend to recognize things through the processes of over-thinking.
Over-thinking to the point of decimation, over-stressing to the point of frustration.
Here are a few random thoughts that have been running through my head lately, however, for those of you so inclined to read.
1) Republicans are repugnant creatures set on thwarting anyone with less money than them or ideals different than their own to sink into a pit of despair, without money and without equality. I spent the other day writing a giant diatribe of why I hate them called, “why you Republicans can pretty much kiss it.” I am so incredibly disgusted with this anti-human anti-community every man for himself attitude that they have that I really cannot even understand how you can vote along paranoid party lines simply because they are the party for the Christians and religious right. Social structures have changed, wake the fuck up–we call that evolution! The good old days can never happen again with your greedy mitts in various cookie jars, so you can kiss that fantasy goodbye.
Those of you who want to hoard your money, who actually have money I can almost empathize with, er, kind of–I mean I get why you want to keep it all–you were raised in a culture dependent on out-winning your neighbors and friends, out-dressing them, out-earning them, basically outdoing them. This is the definitive shit aspect of our culture that makes me sick and also makes me recognize that none of you guys are going to get up and fight anyone for equality with those little fancy consumer games you play to distract yourselves, taking out loans to faux prop yourselves to the top, wearing dumb expensive clothing to mask the debt pile you really are.
There are a few interesting solutions to this issue. Number 1, all politicians should be REQUIRED by law to take prerequisite classes. Economics would be a good start, and maybe a special class on Roman History might prove useful. You might also want to try and play the part at least of the average American. 2) Give up your health care and live like the majority of Americans do. If you have cancer already, so what? Suffer like us. Let them take your property, your assets, your kid’s college fund…suck it up and pretend you are like a regular American and not some rich lobbyist, with your bank account plumped up in favor of certain votes.
The real solution might end up being watch it all fall to shit. I would so love for the tables to get turned on you paper pushing thieves. Would you know how to survive when the shit really hits the fan without google and money and shopping? Our money has been headed to the realm of faux-monopoly money for so long now that finally the world is coming around to see we are really just full of it. But if lord money was removed from the equation, all of those rich people who had their minions doing real work would suffer and starve because they don’t have the good sense to know how to take care of themselves without all of this prop-reality. Can you survive? Have you ever done without? Can you build, can you cook, can you grow your own food. Can you use your brains without resorting to violence? Can you do anything without google? Can you read, I mean really read an entire book? Can you find the answer without your quick reference tools? What happens when your money is really just paper. Who is going to do your dirty work for something you can only burn for fuel anyways? Not me, man. You guys can be my slaves for once–I can teach you a thing or twelve about survival…but it’s not going to be free. Barter babies, that’s what we will be.
I doubt most of them would survive, which is fine, they are a waste of resources. And those turds have also raised a generation of even lazier oxygen suckers, who do nothing without technology, who wouldn’t understand how to live without the instant gratification of easy answers funneled to them, who don’t even know what hard work really is. Ok, enough of that–I might someday remove my Republican rant from my private drafts folder, but right now I am trying to ignore the bully monster in the corner.
2) Denver, I don’t even think you really like me, but I still love you, psychotically. Like a wife that has been beaten, I’d guess, I keep coming back for more. I know you don’t mean it. I know it’s not your fault your borders are swelling with morons who don’t get it. I know you didn’t mean to hurt me. But you did. And you kind of suck for that.
On that note, online meandering has taken a turn for the…fucking boring, for lack of a better term. I have my site posted up, and yeah, you’d guess that with that comes the permeating silence for the most part. I have an extra respect for anyone who actually has the balls to write me after seeing what I have been through. But, I am not a fucking monster. And though I clearly have my own shit to deal with, I am a lot more even-tempered and level than most people assume on first glance. I at least know myself. I am not full of shit.
3) You know I had to have a 3 with three being my favorite number. 3 is the most important thought I have had lately.
So you know how I banned myself from the internet the other day for a number of hours. I now have an alarm set on my phone at 10 am and it goes off, and says “internet off!” It rings again at either 6 or 8 depending on the day to signal it’s kosher again.
I realize the major impediment to my own forward movement is myself. You walk around with a literal bomb about to go off in your chest for 16 years and tell me you wouldn’t want to live life according to your terms? I refuse to do anything I don’t want to do. I literally answer to nobody. If I fuck up I walk around berating myself out loud sometimes since the silence is so deafening. But living according to this you are gonna be dead tomorrow principle has done literally nothing for me. I have zero consequences in my daily life because everything is just taken care of. If I don’t want to do the dishes, fuck it, I won’t do them. If I want to play tornado in my apartment and leave shit everywhere, well, that’s my prerogative too. If I don’t want to leave the house, well, who’s gonna make me?
Nobody. And without friends. And without consequence, there is little reward.
So given I now live in a state of perpetual do whatever I want, I realize I need to interject the work/reward model back into my life. I wrote a few thousand words the other day. I cleaned my apartment to be spotless. I refused to let myself fuck around or read a book unless these things were done. I am treating myself like a 10 year old again…”oh, you want this, you NEED to get this done.”
This is probably mundane and boring for you to even conceive of–or maybe you are just sitting there with a who the fuck does this chick thinks she is idea running through your head. And who the fuck am I that nothing I do affects anybody in any way, shape or form?
I am fucking invisible. And if my friends hadn’t called me last night and told me they were going to kidnap me and lock me in a closet when I came to NY so I couldn’t leave…I am not so sure I would believe anyone could see me, period.
And that, that kinda sucks.
hey i ran across this page~ i was thinking of you. i thought i would stop by and say hello. things are very good here. i am very sick. heart and lung probs. but i am giving it heck~ ttly. I am still on iam.
pnp!!! Jesus! You came over to my new house here!?! Guys, this lady and I have known each other since I started blogging back in 2000…she has always be the sweetest and kindest woman around.
Um, heart and lung problems? What happened? Where have I been? Has the shit been flying in other faces while I have been out here traipsing around? Yes, I guess so.
I will send you all of my best energy, lovely lady, to ensure you are fast on the road to wellness…and I think I need to pop into that old site to say hello since I need to pilfer my blogs and see how you were doing. Thank you for commenting! Two in a week is almost a Christmas miracle in these parts.
oh yes i cant believe i found you~ but i have booked marked this site and will check in on you once in a while. iam will be down this week. they are finally doing an update after a decade~ But it will be back up next week. take care sweets~
Yes miss Pnp…please do. I just went to check on iam and it does appear they are not allowing new edits.
With that being said, can you believe you and I were on the first myspace/facebook type template that Shannon sold off to that dude Tom? I am pretty sure this is true if rumored memory serves me correctly…
I hope this update might allow me to auto-upload my old entries and photos like I could with all of my other blogs onto this, but I am not holding my breath. If anything it would be nice not to have to encode everything with html…haha.
Love to you–I will reach out to you once this update is done so we can discuss things a little deeper. xoxox
If only I could put my thoughts about Republicans into words as you have here. I just get frustrated by the seemingly endless numbers of them, and how they really seem to have no grasp on what the real issues happen to be, which of course, is because the real issues don’t reside in their wallets or bank accounts. They really don’t care as long as they are still making money. Even though most of us can’t ever seem to get ahead. Although I think you could teach them a little about survival, I just don’t think they’d care. They just want to think they are better than you, and if they do, they are content in their little world.
I wish I could disconnect more often than I do, unfortunately, work kinda requires me to be connected and it becomes, I’m already online, I may as well seach mindlessly while I’m here. It feels good to log out at the end of the day, get outside and spend some quality time with my dog.
How do you know if Denver says I’m sorry for being such an ass?
Thanks for making my work day a little more bearable today.
Oh god, fucking Republicans. I can tell you this about them: you are right about money being the bottom line. They are a raving bunch of hypocrites.
There are a few other things that drive me crazy about them and I literally cannot understand or comprehend how a good portion of society stupidly votes them in. They piggy back their big money shit on the back of Christian extremism. They claim they don’t want the government in their business but want laws to regulate people’s personal lives, ie, gay marriage and abortion. They claim that it is a disgrace to treat pregnancy like a condition, even if it is unwanted, yet they bitch and complain about welfare mothers who keep popping out babies to get the dollars and help they need to survive. And those mothers are perpetuating an endless cycle–kids look up to their parents and if they see this scam works, why the hell not? You force women to have children they don’t want, you breed negativity since who wants to treat a baby they don’t want or can afford the right way? It kind of sucks people like me can’t have children, because mine would be smart enough to never vote for that convoluted party no matter what…wanna be scared? Watch Jesus Camp–
They blame Obama when that piece of a man Bush decimated our surplus in a very short span of time. They blame him for not creating jobs out of thin air while neglecting to recognize that many of those once decent paying jobs are offshored and even discounted…there is no tax penalty for shipping US jobs to India and Asia. And they think they are going to manifest money and jobs out of thin air while refusing to tax the filthy rich, or raising taxes period. School and teachers, and the the police forces and fire departments and road crews and national parks and everything else we have in place to benefit every member of society in spite of their place on the economic totem need to be paid for somehow, but instead of focusing on finding money for those causes, no, let’s just pump all that money into the military so we can go destroy other countries physically while ours sits literally raped economically.
The worst thing that happened this year is when the Maypocalypse passed and nobody died. I love how people actually had paid pet sitters to watch their pets after they ascended to heaven (google it, it’s true). Apparently you were only getting killed if you believed in god. Seems to be a pretty vicious asshole if that’s the game he plays. And if the Maypocalypse did happen, well, then only the believers apparently were going to die, so take em. Take em all. They’d all be tea partiers or Republican’ts anyways. Hey and guess what, people, I am saying it because none of the rest of you are…be appalled, at least you would be reacting to something.
James, thanks for reading. And thanks for commenting. For real.
You need to unplug more than you do I suspect. Denver might say he’s sorry but I think I am going to be deaf by then….
A wake up call for republicans is called for in the wake of the “Tea Party Downgrade.” They clearly do not either believe in nor care about the effect of their actions on the rest of us .. but…
If we include “evolution” in our argument, we’ll wind up in TWO fights. They don’t believe in that either!
True that. I am baffled that they somehow own intelligent design. Like fairytales and fluffery equate to anything intelligent.
I can’t help but hate them though. I hate nobody but I hate ideas of selfishness, thievery, and intolerance. And they are the literal manifestations of all of these traits.