Hell yeah

Published November 5th, 2008 in 2000-2011 | 2 Comments ยป

So I know I have been uncharacteristically quiet these days, not only about politics, but this election in general. And though I definitely had my own opinions, I really had no faith that America really knew what was good for it. The proof sits in the red states and the fact that many of them stayed red, even residing in the poorer south, where McCain’s tax plan would do nothing to save anyone’s job there, where some of the African American contingent probably stayed home thinking this was not their year.

And I am glad they were wrong…because this man has inspired an entire generation, and an entire world. Watching the celebrations everywhere from Africa to Japan to the streets of New York and then hearing him speak…you can’t help but believe he does give a shit. I really hope that he gets to keep his running start…and that believing will turn into us seeing.

One thing I never understood was why everyone uses “taxes” as the dirty word, likening it to liberals (another weird one I will never get why people are so obsessed with using to paint bad pictures). Taxes are used to keep our public programs running: schools, highways, social programs as well as pay for official salaries and the like–I don’t understand, and maybe I will never understand, why people who have made it big don’t feel like they should be required to help pay into the system that helped make them. We don’t live in communities of physicality anymore where neighbors check on each other, and people band together out of concern and respect for each other–no, we live in an internet age which rewards keeping people at arm’s (PC’s) length away. Call me a socialist, I really don’t care–but it’s the way I think things should be because people are too selfish to do what’s right (from a good conscience level). If they were, you would not see people’s entire retirement accounts evaporate because of corporate excess and greed.

One thing that has been electrified in me is this idea of democracy…I will never sit out another election, no matter how small because I feel like my vote doesn’t count. I know that this election was a sort of litmus test for the entire country–if it didn’t happen an entire generation might opt out for any kind of hope for anything different…

But look at where we are…

Category: 2000-2011

2 Responses to “Hell yeah”

  1. moonlitlake says:

    Look at where we are is right. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. iam_hooked says:

    I never thought I’d live to see the day, but I’m glad I did, I think a lot of perceptions about people and this country are going to change as a result of this election.

    The red states don’t surprise me though, mostly red-neck shit kicker states that just don’t know any better(my opinion). The one thing that I don’t understand though is the fear some people are displaying because Obama won, it just boggles my mind.

    I’m still very concerned about prop 8 and peoples continued discrimination of others, Obama won the election but this country still has a ways to go.

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