stupid bowl funday
if you, like half of the united states, are participating in the illustrious events of Stupid bowl Sunday, I am right there with you. Except that I always like to vote for the underdogs and I really do not like anything from New England sports-team wise, especially the New England Gaytriots (why you might ask, after living there for 10 years?—the sports fanatics are mentally diseased and outright mean. you do not see any courtesy as displayed by Green bay when the Giants came to town. People heckle and freak out and are just plain CA-RAZY.) Mental note to all you New England peeps–there are more mental institutions in MAssatwoshits per capita than anywhere else in the nation. Coincidence? I think not.
My participation will be specifically only food related, however, as I try and continue to organize for my apartment’s long-awaited photo shoot. Maybe my experiences in Brooklyn were inordinately weird, or bad, but this place is SOOOOOOOOOOO much better it is almost ridiculous I slummed it that long over there.
E’s Birthday was lovely…dinner at Ideya where I consumed one too many caipinhiras. Delicious I tell you. I hung out with a few good pizeeples—the piggy was happy and even happier when I made him breakfast in bed this morning as he watched Dr. Katz’s complete DVD set on tv. Did you even know that such a thing existed on DVD? and SIX seasons no less. Pure genius I tell ya.
Ok. I have a hankering for some soda, or as I grew up saying, Pop. I want it and I want it now. And then I make chili chili yum yum and dress the apartment in its finest for the photo shoot.
and then hopefully watch some kind of good game going with the gaytriots and the giants.
love to my peeps.
Tell Piggy I said “belated Happy Birthday.” XO
He says Thanks you Francine.
When will you visit? I am excited!!!
Love you. Tomorrow will stink I know. I will call you.
I don’t know when I will visit. I’m pretty much locked down into school now until May. Any chance you’d come here or…?
Tell E I said congrats on his team’s win last night.
perhaps during spring break yes.
I will have to see.
Eddie has not filled the room yet. I think he thinks we will hit the lottery magically. The spot is huge though.
Miss you FRancine.
I LOVED Dr.Katz. I thought I was the only one who watched it though. I used to watch The Critic, then Dr.Katz. Great Entertainment.
I did not watch the Super Bowl. Totally not my thing…and I’m thankful to have married a non-sports fan. B went to yoga class last night. He did catch the end of the game, when he got home, in the basement because I was watching the weekly General Hospital marathon on Soapnet upstairs…but I’m okay with that.
Sounds like you had a good weekend though- that’s always nice to hear.
That was an awesome game. As a Jet fan I want to taste Brady’s tears. Mmmm salty. Most of the day though was taken up by errands, studying and some laundry. I was busy enough to have forgotten it was a holiday.