Girlfriend’s brain is all over the place

Published January 9th, 2008 in hearts | 16 Comments ยป

What can happen in such a short, I mean long span of time is somewhat ambiguous, and difficult to speak about.

Hmmm…so I spent New Year’s in Colorado with my birth mother, and E, as well as my brother, sister and her fiance. Snowshoeing, ice skating, not starving, and relaxing, and did I mention we ate our faces off?

We spent the majority of our time perched over the mountain side with pickle gulch ’round the corner and Black Hawk down below. I think I was more upset than E to leave, but he has commenced smoking again so he’s a big pain the butt regardless. I need my ranch and horses sometime within the next 15 years. It just needs to happen.

Two days before we ran to Denver I spent some time with my birth father’s children, a set of 17 year old twins. I set them up in a hotel with my slick W discount and hung out with them for a bit. Saw this great movie, Juno. I think I saw another good movie but I can’t remember it exactly right now.

I think I might be elongating my stay at the educational institution a bit. This would mean I would be doing what I love at 40, which is totally fine since I would hate to wake up at 40 hating my life in the ways I do now. Yeah, it involves some medical inspired endeavors, but I believe that not going into Art 13 years ago when I graduated probably could be treated as a sign. I just need to find some benefactors to my educational endeavors and get my freaking voice back–my voice is still slightly off from the stroke and/or laryngial nerve manipulation from my last open heart surgery. I need to get it done and fixed pronto so it’s off for more electroshock therapy next week.

I have been probably un-missed on this shit for a while. Oopsies.ย  I really wish my journal stalkers would peak their heads up and say hello once in a blue moon. At least then I would know it mattered.

Spit spit, kiss kiss, and all that.

Your friend, deanna.

Category: hearts

16 Responses to “Girlfriend’s brain is all over the place”

  1. tsdk says:

    I missed your posts. Been waiting for one about the vacation. ๐Ÿ™‚

    We saw Juno too and LOVED it. Although, we no longer love the “movie theatre experience”, what with all the really needed texting and talking through it…(can you sense my sarcasm??).

    We also saw PS I Love You….but PS, it sucked.

    Sounds like you’re lining all your ducks up in a row…and the vacay was fun. Happy New Year!!

    • deanna says:


      Happy New Year to you, too. I really loved Juno, but I have been a fan of Ms. Page since Hard Candy. I would write more, but I thought only three people ever read my stuff. Come to find out it might not be true.

      I really want to see No Country for Old Men and have been begging E to take me for a while. I might get my wish this weekend. I will write how it went down.


      • tsdk says:

        I always read. And always look forward. Part of my routine in the morning is to check all my sites- I just hit the “View Friends Pages” thing here and see if you wrote. I still only have a few “friends” on here so there’s only a handful of people I read…but when I see yours, it’s like getting a new People magazine on Fridays in my mailbox. I hope it’s a long account of what you’ve been up to and savor it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

        I’ve never seen Hard Candy- but interestingly enough, it was on one of the cable stations the other night when we were flipping through and there she was….it was mid-movie so we didn’t watch, but I’ll definitely catch it another time. We joined NetFlix to watch One Tree Hill, so I can prob get it there too.

        Good luck getting him to go to the movie. It doesn’t seem like that big of a request, so really, he should just suck it up and go.

        I am positive more than three people read your stuff.

        • deanna says:

          Hard candy is what you want to watch as you fantasize about the metaphorical thrill of chopping a man’s balls off. The pedophiliac kind of man.

          So no, don’t watch it with your husband. Sound advice, I’m telling you.


  2. iam_hooked says:

    I’ve been wondering where you’ve been, never been to Colorado but hope to get there someday soon. I am in dire need of a vacation but have none in sight.

    • deanna says:

      Colorado is beauty but very whitewhitewhite.

      This can be somewhat disconcerting for an East Coaster, though I guess I am whitewhitewhite, but they are super super conservative.

      It is incredibly beautiful there though. I will post up photos as soon as I get them

      Everyone needs vacation. Even for a day or two.

      Be good!

      • iam_hooked says:

        I guess, I’ve never really been out west so I’m sure it would be a bit of an adjustment, but if I can manage 2 weeks in Korea I’m sure I’ll be ok in Colorado…………maybe;-)

        • deanna says:

          Colorado is sweet, don’t get me wrong. I’ll have a horse ranch there someday, somehow.

          I want to get the fuck off the East coast in my mid lifetime. And I will likely live in Denver or Fort Collins, getting my doctorate.

          You’d probably like it. It’s unusual to see someone not…

  3. Anonymous says:

    It matters. I just wanted to poke my stalker head out of the weeds.

    This Saturday, I will wake up and be 40. I dont regret a thing I have done and my life is wonderful. I hope the same for you.


    • deanna says:

      That is the idea. I really do not want to regret…and I make it a practice not to since regret to me usually means a lesson unlearned. And I did wake up at 30 not exactly unhappy, but hopeful. I know if I woke up with the same hope at 40 having wasted all 10 years hoping that I might actually taste the regret I have been avoiding for so long.

      But if I can do this science and math stuff without stroking out…Well, then, I just might be ok.

      Calling all cookies…please pop your head’s up and say hi! This is exciting.

      PS. How’s the bebeh and your husband? You must be in heaven!!!! And happy early birthday!!!!

  4. vividry says:

    i always read. :p

    • deanna says:


      where do you live, by the way?

      I think I am moving soon. Kind of far away from where I am now.

      I’m happy you read me :))))

      • vividry says:

        down on the LES, near the club that used to be the goffikkk bank.

        where you guys moving?

        be good and well. well and good.

        • deanna says:

          Jersey City, in a big three bedroom in a brick building around the corner from Grove Street., on Erie.

          We’re going from four to twelve windows, gaining an office, and have a separate kitchen and living room. A place where the apartment is the whole floor and the backyard is big enough for the puppies to roam free through.

          You rule, lady. I think we should hang out one day. Do some tapas and caipihhira’s. Yum.

          • vividry says:

            that sounds niiiiiice.

            you rule too. name the time and place, and i’ll show up. we definitely need to catch up.


  5. cthulu4prez says:

    Wow, I was wondering where you disappeared off to. Good to see you’re doing well and enjoyed some clean mountain air. Right now I’m on OB/gyn rotation which is 6 weeks of the vagina monologues and catty bitchy women. Hooray!

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