Just a piece of writing I think makes sense
Then you can check this out:
Then you might be able to convince me I am crazy about being upset at what our government does.
Then you might be able to see why I am so angry about what is happening. The nerve is almost just shocking, until you realize they do whatever they want, for whatever reasons they deem fit. They hide what they want to hide–all in the name of good PR.
If you aren’t angry, then unfortunately you are a member of the apatheric majority, who sit around twiddling their thumbs thinking, this is none of my business. It has nothing to do with me so why should I care?
Honestly, reading this stuff does give me some semblance of hope. This whole internet communication thing, this world of cell phones and tv and instant communication is the ONLY reason this stuff is coming out into full view. I hate it, but it just might save our lives somehow.
I have never talked ill of anyone who has gone to fight. Because the people that I know who have done so wanted to fight for something they believed in. I hate that they try and give “hope” to poor kids in less than impoverished neighborhoods by making joining the only reasonable light at the end of the tunnel they will have. There are not ways to educate oneselfΒ with recognition without money, we all know. I would not blame these kids for joining. I would not speak one ill word about them, if not only for the fact that I myself would not only NOT do it, but I also wouldn’t be permitted to do it.
Why wouldn’t I do it? Because I believe that as a country, we are WAY off course to promoting peace or stability or anything that we don’t directly make money from. There is no “out of the goodness of our hearts” anymore in this country. People are selfish, they want to keep everything they have hidden, including any evidence of heart, in honor of pretending that everything is somehow ok while closeting themselves from the reality that shit is FALLING APART.
I have painted myself into tight corners talking about this stuff, it’s true. Nobody wants to be more depressed than life makes them already. I understand that.
I just don’t understand ignoring what is going on here in some efforts to pretend everything is fucking glittery and fancy and dancing. “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” is somehow the new American mantra. If people actually gave a shit about each other, if we decided to try and help each other out while our government sells us out,. we might have something different, less sinister coming our way.
It’s like my co-worker said, “If shit fell apart and I needed food, fuck any person who gets in my way. I’ll kill someone before my kids go hungry”. I believe that he would, in fact. It just makes sense…not killing to feed your kid, but feeling as if there is no need to share in a dog eat dog world.
Unfortunately, every man for himself is not how this country started. And certainly not how it’s going to sustain.
You should watch some of Keith Olbermann’s essays.
Especially this one, on Donald Rumsfeld:
You haven’t painted yourself into a tight corner – you’ve spoken the truth. The current business, political and ideological culture encourages a get-what-you-can-while-you-can mentality, and that leads to isolation and mistrust. It doesn’t help that much of our culture encourages dissasociation with others – we walk around with iPods and headphones, get our money from ATMs, get fast food through a drive through, you name it. We need human interaction to remind ourselves that we can rely on each other, but our culture degrades it through speed, technology, and an emphasis on instant gratification. Nothing worthwhile that can help us connect to each other and help each other can come from instant gratification, because to deal with people involves time, focus and effort.
Or if you like…. here’s a link to the transcript from the Habeus Corpus speech he gave last week.
I like Keith a lot, but damnit… when did NBC News become a liberal wonktastic tabloid??? Oh, yeah… when Jerry Nachman died.
*sigh* But I won’t deal with Faux News (Rupert Murdoch is more evil than GWB), and CNN is showing enemy sniper videos of our soldiers getting their heads blown off.
What else is there? The Baghdad Broadcasting Company?
I don’t even KNOW what to believe anymore
right on
I believe you mean this one
Re: right on
Yah, but I knew that my article linked back to it, so. :p
Re: right on
Ah well.. it would have helped if I actually PUT THE LINK IN THERE!
Sorry…. thanks so much, Ophelia… it’s Monday, can you tell?
Re: right on
π no problem. I know you ment to.
Oh, god, don’t even mention Faux News. CNN is better, but all of hte news channels suffer the same problem. They’re in it to make money by getting ratings. They should get ratings by reporting hte news, but sometimes there just isn’t any news to report, and they’re prone to exaggerating some aspects to make themselves stand out. Even NPR suffers this, though to a much reduced level, which is why I trust it more.
Thanks for the link, by the way. π And nice icon!
Another good one
An earlier one he did about Habeus Corpus I found in a youtube search that was sparked by this thread.
You are *so* amazingly correct. *sigh* I tried flipping through the news channels @ 6am this morning, and every single one was discussing the SAME THING! Madame Speaker Pelosi. *gag a maggot*!!! I reallllly want to dig up some awful dirt on her. I’m sure it can be done. But our country is going to be in a world of hurt with that pscyhobiatch as Speaker of the House, and that’s enough to drive out the Republican base to make sure that they maintain it. (sorry… tangent… I’m R, but not the ones running the show now)
R is not a problem, neither is D (I’m I). Incompetence and arrogance knows no party lines. π
It was better when it was just newspapers, a day old, with space to discuss and present all of the facts. Then people could sit around and discuss them, in person, without soundbites. The internet can go back to this, I think, if it can figure out how to filter out the fuzz.
Absolutely! And both are subject to the same corruption.
I miss the old days, I really really do. Actually, I also miss the old days of the Internet before everyone and their brother got online spouting whatever they thought. BUT! Hey! That’s the beauty of it. WE CAN DO THAT! And that’s the important part.
I’ve become very very good at spotting whackjobs online… but only because I’ve been around through the evolution of the ‘net. From e-mail and gopher and ftp to the Usenet and the baby WWW, to a brief (oh Lord, how so brief) stint on AOL, to IRC, etal… I been around. And it takes all kinds to make this the wonderful creation that it is. But… it would be lovely to be able to separate the doublespeak, rumour, and fact mills. π
PS: The icon is from an antique statue that I found in a store in Lake Isabella, CA. I took a close up camera shot of her and shrunk it down! I *love* my flapper faery!
I love Olbermann. The Rumsfeld one is pretty great. The one he did about Katrina last year was one of the best things ever.
I love his eloquence and directness. He doesn’t need Limbaugh’s or O’Reilly’s attitude – his words and research speak for themselves. It’s like a fresh wind blowing the stench away from your face.
Also the fact that you know he’s not just spewing rhetoric, and you can sense the anger and outrage in his speech that we all feel towards the current administration. I’m horrible w/ words so it’s nice to have some one out there saying the things I’d never be able to articulate, but am just as angry about.
And the ‘feud’ O’Reilly has w/ him is hysterical.
Re: Absolutely
Anything on the “O’Really” factor is hysterical. I love it when bluff and bluster slams into hard intelligence and competence.
Olberman gives me great hope that things might turn around. It’s nice to see that not all journalists will tow the line with the administration.
Re: Absolutely
Tell me about it. Before I discovered him the only news that didn’t make me want to vomit was the Daily Show, which only takes you so far. Olbermann analizes the subjects deeper instead of just making fun of them.
Re: Absolutely
Did you see Stewart’s appearance on Crossfire a few months ago? I don’t have time to find it on YouTube right now, but JESU CHRISTU was that welcome. He refused to be bowed and be the funny guy – he stuck it to the hosts and called them out for cutting the news down into sound bites with polarized guests.
Olberman, Stewart, and even Colbert in his own way are among the greats now. I wish ratings were tied to competence instead of showmanship, then we’d see more of them.
Re: Absolutely
I think I did see that, at least the parts they showed on the Daily Show. Those jack-asses were so busy trying to make fun of him, they hardly let him get a word in edgewise.
and, yeah, even though I love the Daily Show and Colbert it’s a bit sad that two of the best news shows are comedic ones, and that news needs to be boiled down to silly satire to get any of this ADD Nation to pay any attention to it.
I stray away from my journal for a whole day and it has LIFE without me!!!
I love it.
I do like Olbermann quite a bit since I saw him back up Clinton’s interview with Fox…I tend not to read as much strict opinion without looking at the facts–but I do like Maher and now Sir Keith now that I have seen what he is capable of articulating. I love the fucking sarcasm. It’s brilliant on so many levels.
Hopefully there are other people who at least think about some of the points he brings up. God knows there are worse editorialists out there…and they are parade around as “politically educated” smellebrities. And unfortunately, if someone with more star power or celebrity ooomph had anything smart to say, people would be eating it up as fast as they eat up US weekly.
Re: wowsies
I made the wounded dog noise when I saw my flagrant mis-thpellings.
Oh well.
The point is, I am so excited you can whip current affairs up with me into a nice sleek frosting. YAY! Usually it’s just me and Jho hashing it out…and I had miss D come on in, too.
Everything is just DELICIOUS.
Re: wowsies
The point is, I am so excited you can whip current affairs up with me into a nice sleek frosting. YAY! Usually it’s just me and Jho hashing it out…and I had miss D come on in, too.
Oh yes. Nice sleek sexy frosting to slather over a hot cake we can nosh on while discussing the scenery on the road to hell. π
Now I’m hungry.
Hopefully there are other people who at least think about some of the points he brings up. God knows there are worse editorialists out there…and they are parade around as “politically educated” smellebrities. And unfortunately, if someone with more star power or celebrity ooomph had anything smart to say, people would be eating it up as fast as they eat up US weekly.
Unfortunately, I don’t think they will think about his points. Most people are used to soundbites they don’t have to put much thought into. Olberman is complex, but I’m afraid that too many will just listen in soundbite mode and then go about thier lives believing whatever Cheney and his ventriloquist dummy say.
It’s a huge problem, begun and stoked by mass media, but at this point the people are as much to blame for perpetuating the problem. We want celebrity and speed over competence and quality, and we’re paying the price for it. It’s disgusting, and one of the reasons I don’t watch TV any more.
You should have seen the piece that HBO Inside the NFL did with Jake Plummer. I cried my eyes out…. I did. I am reposting the Kevin Tillman link on my LJ as well. What has happened is so wrong, it’s beyond the pale. Pat Tillman is a national hero, he deserves the respect in truth that comes with that. Most of all, his brother, still with us, NEEDS that.
I think that goddamnit, our goverment is just too goddamned corrupt to care about what happens to REAL people.
The part about “if people actually gave a shit about each other,” that’s the biggest problem. Not just in this country, but just the whole world. It pisses me off that people are so disrepectful of other people’s beliefs, preferences, lifestyles… it’s sick what people will do to one another.