I’m exhausted: emotionally spent
Sometimes I want to just ramble, and there are times like today I wish I could just pass out for a few days. I keep waking up at the witching hour, that horrid time between 3-4 am and I am unable to convince myself to go back to sleep. I start thinking, overthinking and getting wrapped into the traps of what if? There are a lot of what ifs in my life but I really do not have any regrets exactly. I do hope to continue on to get shit done--I did get that Corona site up--I did get the information moved here. I did start my VLOG on the tube of you. JFC btw with that--I really have so much respect for those who have no problem recording themselves. At this rate I'm just trying to get some stories out. What if I can't type after this, I think the audio/video files would be easier to get through as clearly after surgery I shut up for the most part.
You can get pretty wrapped up in your own issues and forget about stuff after major surgery--luckily I have nobody counting on me but a silly dog and my ...