ughhhhh: tomorrow I am split open like a turkey

Published May 26th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | 2 Comments »

Today has been hard. I have cried and joked with the nurses. Many of them tell me I have a great attitude, and I am still me in that I am trying to keep things jovial. People come in and ask how I am and I say "having the time of my life CLEARLY" or "living the dream" which is my favorite sarcastic response.

BY THE WAY--my preparation was on point. They asked if they could shave my groin, I said, "no need!" I also told them I waxed my arms which did make it easier though I am still a hard poke. They all are talking wonderfully about the surgeon so I am sure he is beyond qualified. Also the goggles--the techs mentioned they had never seen that and they were grateful. The filter people are jealous of and I was told to get it out of here tonight--I do have it tagged if someone did steal it but I should be alone in my own room tomorrow and people should respect my need to have masks on. I did tell D to not let anyone be my roommate without that thing on. I do not trust ...

Category: 2022, hearts

7 days from my possible end of existence

Published May 20th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments »

Man it's gonna totally suck if I die because I think finally people are starting to want to pay attention or listen to me. I am the most interesting person you don't know.

I kid, there are absolutely people wayyy more interesting than me but I've got my own opinions on most things-I feel in some ways I'm looking down the barrel of a gun, but then the other part of me is there to whisper--shhh--you have gone through this so many times before you have all the practice. It's just a root canal, no it's just basic maintenance. I do think this sucker will be the last--my general paranoia is around a pacemaker, I'll admit. I do not want one of those, not just because I'm on a payment plan for a PEMF mat I would have to get rid of quickly but because I REALLY don't feel I want to add myself to another Facebook group to be ignored inside. My heart rate is not great-phone's telling me for just about a year it's been trending below 50bpm a lot of the time--looks like the summary range for the past year was 37-204--now that 204 probably hurt ...

Category: 2022, hearts

I’m exhausted: emotionally spent

Published May 3rd, 2022 in 2022 | No Comments »

Sometimes I want to just ramble, and there are times like today I wish I could just pass out for a few days. I keep waking up at the witching hour, that horrid time between 3-4 am and I am unable to convince myself to go back to sleep. I start thinking, overthinking and getting wrapped into the traps of what if? There are a lot of what ifs in my life but I really do not have any regrets exactly. I do hope to continue on to get shit done--I did get that Corona site up--I did get the information moved here. I did start my VLOG on the tube of you. JFC btw with that--I really have so much respect for those who have no problem recording themselves. At this rate I'm just trying to get some stories out. What if I can't type after this, I think the audio/video files would be easier to get through as clearly after surgery I shut up for the most part.

You can get pretty wrapped up in your own issues and forget about stuff after major surgery--luckily I have nobody counting on me but a silly dog and my ...

Category: 2022

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