I finally did it: she’s on YouTube

Published April 29th, 2022 in 2000-2011 | No Comments »

So...I know you've missed me. No you haven't ya liars. Anyways...I did the thing I told you I was going to do. I migrated the site over to the other opposing site: scarsandhearts.com

I also have started a VLOG. JFC I know, definitely not as cute as I used to be (I AM 45 now somehow?!?!) but I gotta bleach this shit this weekend and I WILL be updating daily through the next month on provided I survive, of course.


Category: 2000-2011

I’m telling you, yoga before open heart surgery

Published April 16th, 2022 in 2000-2011 | No Comments »

Hey so I don't care if your surgery is in a month, two months, two weeks--my advice is to try that link to the practice I recommended the other day. I had no idea how hunched I really am--of course if you had an ACTA2 genetic defect like I have, my advice would be very very slowly and deliberately as you could possibly overstretch your arteries and snap them (this is also why you SHOULD NOT get chiropractic adjustments with any connective tissue disorder making you prone to tears). I have seen heart surgeons talking about seeing people get adjusted on chiropractic tables and cringe with the force and direction used. I'm feeling a little better every day doing the yoga. Yes, there are days I clearly try to talk myself out of it because it's a commitment and we all know how adjusted I have gotten to life over the past few years with little discipline beyond self-health discipline. Sometimes I don't FEEL like doing it, because I feel low energy or I just don't want to DO anything, and then I remember I am in menopause and that's just what is going to happen more than ...

Category: 2000-2011

let me convince you on the yoga again: OHS preparation

Published April 14th, 2022 in 2022, hearts | No Comments »

12 eggs, cream, handful of spinach thiny sliced, 1/3 a red pepper, 1/4 mushrooms then sliced, some garlic powder. salt pepper and I put sour cream w/ s&p watered down in the divet.

Category: 2022, hearts

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