a flu shot to start the day

6:15 this morning had me getting blood and a flu shot as a part of our yearly bio-metrics. I have a 31 inch waist and I weigh 138 pounds and a blood pressure that is too high–diastolic over systolic, right? 144/68 was it? I hadn’t taken my medicine yet as I am lazy sometimes and…

because I am great at breaking things

The TV. My god, the TV. You wouldn’t think such a thing would be important as it were, but for me and Don, we don’t really own anything of value except the TVs. Well, now the TV. Anyways. So yesterday, my last line as I mentioned, I was getting literally fumed out of my place…

A Tale of Me 4 and On

Yesterday’s social media posts were swarming with me too stories of sexual assault which counted to varying degrees, from the wolf whistle to all out rape. I got in on it as it seemed the perfect time to commiserate but honestly at the end of the day, all of that, that which I knew–was probably…

Discipline or Disappointment-or an Evolution of Sorts

Funny I really have been trying to skew towards the positive lately even with some of the things my mind somehow reads with certainly a lot more hope than there’s been. Yesterday Don and I got up and had breakfast in the place across the way and made a friend. It all came with our…

I am running out of time and space in my mind

Ugh, I didn’t do those photos because yeah, we were kinda drunk by like 5. And I was on a bus to my waxer at 3–promises promises. Don picked me up, hell I wanted to take a photo of Gaylord street, the sign, but I am still one of those people who is adverse to…

Day 4-Day 3 Should be titled: I probably shouldn’t have watched that show on heroin addicts in Cape Cod

You can look up there to see what happened yesterday. I realized I could have been funny and poignant about it but it kind of bugged me for most of the night. Don worked super late and I was invested in cleaning, making dinner, doing classes yesterday. I went to the geneticist who told me…

just a quick edit..no really $6.77 at Whole Foods

I have some names for businesses I sometimes dislike—Whore Foods, I mean Whole Foods and Starfuckers for Starbucks–but honestly…breakfast for $6.77, today. My class starts in 30-and yes, the draft latte is pretty good a la Creamy Coffee Yum Guinness in a can if you’ve ever tried that creamy thing.

an ease of inspiration if you just let it come

I am Mrs. Progress today…a continuance from yesterday. My friend the dentist, wow, I wish I took a photo from the chair out the window, but ANYWAYS…I am going back at the end of the month to get a root canal finished that was not properly done by the dirtbag dentist. I scheduled those two…

Day 1 of 15

Soooo….I mentioned this before but today was day 1 until 10/25. I decided to open up my vacation with a particularly un-fun activity. I mean. I did try to cancel it, namely because it was an appointment with the person I don’t like the most–the man who fixes teeth. This isn’t a personal thing as…

Sunday to Monday and now I have the week off…

Tomorrow I am off until 10/25. This is the time I am taking to get myself educated on legitimate things, things that require my effort and an outcome. I got a little further into one affiliate marketing thing. I wouldn’t say it was a gimmick, exactly, but what it does do is something very circular…

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