reflect and deflect

Wow, all those years I missed in therapy didn’t teach me what I didn’t know about myself. And what I do know is I am an emotionally needy person who has made a lot of poor decisions in my search for that elusive four letter word in all of its forms.Yup, guys, we are talking…

closer and closer to a conclusion

I started realizing some of the hypocrisy of my own soul, some ideas and ideals I project to bitch about yet talk about and give fuel to all too much. These ideas being money and the ability truly to buy solutions, which truly is a power I have not tried to gain or use in…

marching into time

I still do those what I used to think were clever plays on words though most people…of course I was going to write most people do not give a fuck what I write. Of course most people don’t, my god. I am not some hero, but rather an antagonist in some situations and I guess…

10 days of lazy

Man, that was not what I meant to do, wait this long anyhow. I was trying to hold myself up to different standards, or rather any standard at all given my history. I disappear often for spans of time and I suppose the mind often corners itself in dark places—this meaning me and maybe you,…

The Reluctant Survivor

One thing I think is not widely accepted, or talked about with these kinds of events we can endure, is how sometimes it’s not always a revelation or gratitude we all feel for having survived this. I am speaking for those of you who just were living your lives, maybe didn’t even have anything the…

the idea$$$$$

Okay, so I figured out some things, having really taken a deep look at our finances, or mine, for that matter, since I am the one without the resources and really, without a hell of a lot of the hope you’d think a grown adult with no children would have the space to have. I…

questionable ends

Well well well. Hmmm hmmm hmmm. These are the utterances of someone who feels they might be able to gloat, or maybe reprimand another if that opportunity arises. It is almost February of 2019 and I have mentioned to Don twice over the past three years, “if things do not change, we will drive off…

boomerang bang

Man, the post I started writing Saturday before our ride to mexican fast food breakfast was a bit dire, a bit depressing and a kind of sobering reflection on his drunk words. Like many of you, we don’t have a perfect relationship, and he fucking drives me insane a lot of the time, and a…

a confession for no impression

So I am drunk enough right now to be honest in some ways I am not normally prepared to disclose, but it seems the right time, the sentiment needs to be recorded, and wow. Sometimes, sometimes I am not feeling the best. See, this man I am married to threatens to leave me all of…

we are on a roll, people

I don’t really know about that, but I have written more here in the past month than I have in ages. Clearly the interaction with my readers is non-existent at best, but I keep doing it. It’s the practice I miss, the discipline I lack though a friend of mine mentioned I am not without…

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