worth more dead than alive

Man, the thoughts running through my head the past several weeks–my family was in town, meaning my real family which is not the birth family as though they originated the genetic material, certainly lacked a major influence in my life for most of the more important developmental years, we’ll say. My mom and dad were…

some of you— I just can’t…

I am going to copy and paste something I wrote earlier which I think is a big condemnation of modern culture. I mean–I am still trying with almost every situation to inject a healthy dose of empathy and respect. I am spending a gross amount of time trying to convey my messages and I think…

the currency of judgment

Man. The abortion argument has kind of torn a bit of my soul out lately. I have found myself wondering why everyone feels so very comfortable bestowing judgments down on people who really didn’t ask their opinions anyways. Between that and the inordinate amount of time people are spending admonishing and judging others while never…

the road to discipline is a rocky one

Man, the problem with having a document of your life going back 20 years as a kind of permanent record is fucking enlightening if you’ve avoided all practice of self-awareness. What I mean is ignoring previous incarnations and promises BEFORE, ten twenty years ago TALKING about all the shit you’re trying to do and then…

my story dda dreams

well look at that. I failed to deliver. It’s coming kids, it’s just a gross terrible story and it is all related to the heart shebangs so it’s not as easy as I thought to talk about all yeah this happened so what? Not sure I ever let myself get over the whole situation, which…

it’s day 2 of 180-fuck you Alabama

Jesus christ the world is going to shit. Someone really should be paying me to write, because my opinions are spot on, and everyone is a fucking idiot. Did I just write that? Fuck yes, I did and fuck you all for being so dense. I guess the luxury I have is a life that…

five fifteen. day 1

I am not a great person when it comes to discipline, surprise surprise! I suck at it largely and it’s going to be a challenge to get out of this hole I sit in kind of, lazily and sloppily letting life pass me by.Today is Day 1 of the 6 month challenge. To reiterate, that…

nets and networks

So–in my inevitable genius I realized I had a bit more connections I could use in my efforts to change things completely in the next 6 months. I had twitter all this time and never used it for much aside from some initial sharing of heart related things in the beginning. I’ve decided I’ve got…

it’s a little bit swishy

That has absolutely nothing to do with much aside from the word play I wanted to play with–somethings I get into the tonality or pace of the words over their meaning but sometimes the pace I assign even internally assists in its connotation.I finally have a damn plan for my life, eclipsing 43, I am…

my advice sometimes is a little lengthy…

You know, the more I write the more I wonder why the fuck I am not writing more frequently, but also I notice some of the things I have written lately I have repeated in terms of sentiment and meaning. Always to help, never to hinder, anyone who knows me this is who I am–very…

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