echo hell no this time

I had it scheduled for the morning tomorrow, but I got a bit nervous and decided to forgo that experiment in dealing with the public that is largely insane and ignorant to how this shit happens. I swear I have no idea how any HVAC companies haven’t figured out how to super blow air and…

reading is good for you…

Man what a change a few days make. I’ve made a few jokes about this, but imagine if people had listened to me and done the masks weeks ago? We might be a little further along. I did log in to Facebook finally because I knew I had information people needed, and now I feel…

April Fools

I don’t have any funny jokes because I am not that funny, though I’ll admit the new news cracks me up. The circular thinking and reasoning on the mask issue is just insane. You literally went from them telling you only the sick should wear them to everyone should wear one, not to protect you…

a little bit calmer now…

I did sing that, as I often sing little phrases like an idiot. You can make everything into a song if you just try a little. The interesting thing about that is I like to do it, but fuck anyone else who tries to do that. I like my own soundtrack and lyric set–and really…

substance for sustenance

For the past few years I have gone back and forth over declarations of health and well-being. These declarations are completely internal of course, but on occasion mention of them has slipped out at points. And I think a lot of us have these vices that are clearly not great for us, but they are…

when you throw up in your mouth

Man the panic is thick out there and the only thing we all have is we are all in it together. I am sick to my stomach as well because Don is far away and I have no absolute control over anything, including the people he runs into all the time. I am suddenly regretting…

When A+ turns into F-

So I wanted to share with you a theory put forth by the community I have been reading about. Apparently there’s been some research and since I am an A+ in many things including art and terrible humor, as well as maybe a few other things that are making this shit hard, well, it’s just another…

when people are stupid, you can’t blame yourself

Man, the country is in a mess right now. I am actually way less stressed than many because of a few compelling factors that do not hurt my feelings at all. One. I don’t have children nor work in the public. Two, I read about this in January so all of the stress and trauma…

I am wearing a mask. Here’s why

I am a little offended at the notion that only the sick should be wearing masks, simply for the fact that many of the sick have no idea they are. I did make my first attempt yesterday at wearing the mask out as the liquor store tends to be a place where the air is…

so, it’s here

The panic has finally arrived. We’re all gonna die. No not all of us, just the sickest and some of our elderly. The virus has been in the news I read since January, though it seems pure panic has only recently set hold. This morning I was at the grocery store early, ready to get…

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