It’s February and January Was a Waste

Well let’s admit, it wasn’t a waste in every sense, just in my time. Right now I am kind of losing my shit, trying my best to keep myself calm, while also conspiring to have a plan.I haven’t been able to pay any medical bills because we aren’t able to save a bit with how…

pain and strain and the mundane

I did the class on blogs and learned I should entitle these entries such innocuous and flowery shit, but I still have a tendency towards poetry, though a lot of it has been washed out of my mind with those big surgeries I had in 2006. I forgot to mention one of my exes from…

So they all got corona…

I meant to write something fabulous for Christmas. Ours was the general uneventful it typically is–hanging out in here, avoiding the world of the infected. There are so many now.Don’s only friend died the day I wrote that last entry. He was a colleague, and someone he really enjoyed working with–though we knew he had…

Heart Ok. Corona-Free

I am terrible with updates. Not that I have all this amazing shit going on. That’s a lot of it. I tell my birth father I try not to bug him so much with shit news because who wants to hear it. It’s as fun as having no news, so I am less revealing in…

Foresight can save 2021 with a little hindsight from 2020

Can you imagine what future historians are going to think of our roaring twenties? Maybe it will be known as the Corona 20’s vs the Roaring Twenties. What an absolute disappointment, right?The truth is there were very few of us who saw this shit coming like I did. There were a few, we all commented…

Sadness and Loss

So my grandmother isn’t doing any better apparently. Her sudden turn has me going back to 2001 and 9/11 actually. See, she was supposed to outlive me. I know, pushing 90 seems like a strange comparison to my life, but I’m already more than broken inside, my physical everything is a bit of a mess…

context and empathy

I realized something last night thinking about my grandmother and her husband. He died on Monday and she is now in hospice and things are not looking great for her. I know I always say I don’t believe in regret, but our letter writing campaign is maybe only a year old and I should have…

Learning SEO, WP

Wow, I feel like an absolute ass. The more classes I take, the more I learn my mistakes haven’t been small or insignificant. They are huge, massive misses in a world where I have had access to all the tools but haven’t been able to figure out how to use them correctly.All good, I’m finally…

so apparently I’ve been doing this ALL wrong

I have been taking those classes lately and realized nobody gives a fuck about reading my daily musings for the most part. I guess, sure, some of you might be slightly amused over the years but generally speaking, the past’s interpretation or really my own regarding a blog being an online diary isn’t what people…

dogs aren’t cheap

Well, one thing I can say about moving back to the East coast is there is a heck of a lot more to get dogs sick here. In Colorado the worst you’d have to worry about is burned paws because the asphalt can get that hot. Or, of course, a dog attack, but most of…

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