Two two twenty twenty-two

You know you don’t get a chance but once in a lifetime to write that and think it’s fun. So this is post 2-I know you’ve all been waiting. But it will show up posted later which is some English mean time measurement I can’t remember and I don’t really care too much to correct…

February 1, New Me, New Something

I have been writing more at the other site–the urgency in trying to get information out certainly seems worth protecting vs waxing poetic here, but I am trying something new for February. I don’t ever post photos publicly so will do video progression of my thing. The thing? Me. See, being in smaller apartments in…

dying but alive

I suppose that seems possibly more alarming than it’s intended to be. I don’t have COVID, no no, everyone knows that’s incredibly unlikely to happen to me. But I have been in the hospital several times during these latest surges. In September, it was manageable, the second week of December, not so much though. Not…

SEO ruined me

I took a few classes in the beginning of the pandemic at the Colorado Free University that kind of ruined my blogging. See, it was one thing to be blogging semi-anonymously without a care in the world, but quite another to understand how I was going to be filed away in the internet of imagination….

6 times charmed

I’ve moved more than that, obviously, but with D, this next move will be move #6. I expected a few more, of course, but this next place we at least get to be at for 2 years, though I wouldn’t be surprised if it was more like 5-6. At least let him get to the…


I don’t think there have been many times I haven’t come up with the title pre-write. Maybe two or three times I have edited my own title out to something far more coherent and clever. Right now it seems my mind is starved enough of interaction that my titles are all over the place and…

June Swoons & Moon Eclipses

Ugh. I am on a fence I am afraid to choose sides or jump off of this week. The fence is about regular employment for other people or trying to do my own thing. Clearly this blog with its super animated marketing and amazing insightful philosophies has brought me nothing aside from the fame of…

today felt like the first day of the rest of my life

I really have been dreading writing lately. It always felt like it could be my last time writing anything so then you put insane pressure on yourself to write something important, or at least something worth being remembered by. Of course I am VERY eloquent in my head, very smart, very everything you would want…

Here We Go Again

So, I didn’t get the thing. The job, the position. It was working for Chanel, and really, how fancy is this ass to work for a real designer? Not fancy enough, I’m afraid. Yeah, yeah, it wasn’t really working FOR the designers at Chanel, but simply a brand ambassador. You know, the person who is…

Re-invention Another Time

I tried to apply for a job the other day and I am thinking I might finally be at the age where you cut your experience off a decade or so ago because anything longer than that kind of ages you past malleability. Clearly I am not a rigid stuck-in-her-ways kind of thing, as I…

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