I scheduled the thing: ON-X

Uhhhhhh. That’s pretty much the sigh I’d love to make. This is actually maybe not going to be as easy as I suggested, just given the situation and the possible outcomes. Again, the goal every day is maximum nutrients, maximum practice of good behavior. No drinking, limited sugar (but I love those cream puffs, so),…

Aortic Valve: Again

I got the call. The call said what I thought it might–it needs to get done, again. (the first was done in 1998) This time it’s planned, planned like they always said they should be planned. This is the first time I’ve been able to plan, I mean really plan without anything crazy leading me…

ECHOs & Hospital Fun: The Pandemic Rages on

Hmm, So I had an appointment the other day in the hospital–D came w/me as support. You know, with the world kind of just deciding to get infected over nailing prevention don’t think you can go to the hospital without getting the virus is what they’ve been saying. We’ve been super careful–that day I had…

COVID 19 realizations: The Heart Damage is Real

I read something today while reviewing for my other site–and it kind of hurts my head, because I somehow saw it coming, and the other part of me has some hope that more investment will be made in alleviating some of the issues that come with heart damage, strokes and the other things that happen…

rough roads ahead

There’s been some tickling lately in my head–it sometimes manifests in weird deja-vu moments, sometimes it’s me waking up at midnight or two or three am, usually predicated by a night drinking I should not have had. This has happened over a splattering of the first two weeks, but tomorrow it’s a 60 day program…

Day 8 I’m still failing at discipline

My husband is the best–he just wants me to be happy and maybe write-make a little money but nothing crazy. Sometimes I feel like I fail him while I’m failing me–there’d be some freedom an income would bring me because I am possibly the cheapest wife. I try to keep my expenses including groceries at…

Hearts Hurt: COVID & broken heart syndrome

Hmm on that. It was a classic case of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or broken heart syndrome, her doctors say. The rare but dangerous form of heart disease is triggered by intense emotional or physical stress when a sudden flood of hormones is believed to stun the heart into pumping less efficiently. Good thing that from one…

It’s Day 6. Feb 6 2022

I know you worry so much about checking in on me–I know that’s been my mistake over the years. I mean how many people do you know who have a collection of blogs going back over 20 years like I do? I know, it’s not impressive given the frequency, but you’ve starved me people. I…

Days 4 & 5

I know I should be making titles more interesting than that. I did fail like a true champion yesterday. I woke up actually screaming because the headache I got crippled me for the first part of the day almost entirely. I didn’t even bother tweeting so much-it was a paralyzing migraine that actually had me…

Day 3

So I finally made it to 11,245 steps, or really I made it past 10,000. I still haven’t done any workouts, partially because I am embarrassed and partially because I used to do none of that. I used to work out randomly with weights sure, but I am 5’10 and used to weigh closer to…

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