So I’ve been to Amsterdam…

We just got back the other day–it appears that the signs of a better life do exist in other places. Don and I spent a great deal of time in Amsterdam this past week and I can tell you there is something beneficial to going to a country which used the US model, but with…

updates, because I feel you care

So, some things as of late. Number one–no cancer in this girl. How that happened is really not what I understand or rather, no cancer anywhere they have looked so far. Which means no cervical nor any breast, but there are still some tests and removals I have to endure because practice, err, policy. This…

because life is super fair and fun….

So, maybe you read of my fun lump in the breast party. Well–I did the fucking mammogram. That was probably one of the most unpleasant tests I have ever had. Why? You try to take a tiny A cup boob and smash it between some plastic and get me into all kinds of un-fun positions…

April Showers and May Flowers

One could only hope, right? Well, that would make me happy but seems like the snow has hit the whole damn country the past few weeks! As it is I am plugging along, and I felt the need to remark this as a quiet reminder to myself and also because I am terrible at notating…

moments of reflection and self correction

Things have been going along pretty fantastically considering–and I’ve realized the small circle of people around us–it’s enough, and with less to touch, there’s less to hurt us and though it can seem pretty lonely at the end of the day, we don’t have to be a part of bullshit at all. Bullshit in dealings…

the drafts are endless, but it’s the drunk one I put up

Man I am telling you one of these days I am going to have to organized this more beyond the waxings and bitchings of Miss D. I have so many different drafts right now–so many times I sit down here to write, and then abandon it because I go to watch what train wreck is…

Spring Renewals Mean Renewing it All

Spring has sprung–and over here, with the children all over, seems to be a good thing coming. Life is really good for us at the end of the day. We are surviving, we are thriving in the best ways we can given the circumstances. The thing I recognize about my situation is the broken heart….

when winning is shutting the fuck up sometimes

I left Facebook a week or so ago now as Don told me it would make me a better person not to argue with rednecks. And yeah, he is right, though my natural inclination is to believe that the perspectives I brought to the conversation were sometimes new or maybe made people think a bit…

An INR of 3.4 will make you bleed—A LOT

Yesterday was one of those days you don’t want to live if you had a choice. I worked in the morning, and at my first lunch break, decided to jump in the shower. I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon that afternoon so decided it was time to try–man I cannot tell you the…

success comes in small steps

So…I was going to write yesterday but then got freaked out about jinxing us in our path. And he did ask for wine when I had him make that loin for dinner–mashed up turnips and potatoes with an instant pot pork loin cooked in 20 minutes—and I won the argument because–I have been sleeping, guys….

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