because i am just that classy….

Well this is my 30th hour of non-sleep mode so everyone is funny…I went uptown with BJorn to take care of doodie and no one was SMILING…and I mean NO ONE….it’s freakin kissmas for crying out loud…so we proceeded to make manly humping sounds while I laughed at the idiots with dead eyes on the…


That’s it..I’m finished…no more martinis for me..they make me crazy and paranoid and emotional and I am sick at this moment and barassed for myself… The reasons I don’t feel like drinking anymore, at least in major amounts are those same ones that made me quit smoking anything at all…the feelings of paranoia killing all…

suspensions n stuff

My buddy Xeon did his suspension last evening at True, where I also work as a bartender, and was fortunate enough to work at last night…These photos are a progression of the events of last night, and yes, I did employ the help of photoshop to assist in the rendering for full dramatic effect…..Sean rocked…


So the beginning of my dream I can’t quite recall…how exactly I got into this place, but I did revisit it and wake up a couple times in between and re-entered it in different situations…. In any case I am running around and my family is there, and I remember my cousin in Colorado having…

it’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood……..

It’s odd how strange my days blend and blend into one composite ball of existing…. I have no interest in wasting my life away plugging along in chat rooms and essentially accomplishing nothing, this time spent could be so much better used….in completing more art, and breathing more sun in…I am too pale anyways to…

i can’t take it when people annoy me

in any case…here we are another Tuesday afternoon, with Bjorn probing my head and, my tolerance waning thin. I get easily aggravated, and I have no patience for bullshit, like yesterday’s bit when I went to see Hank Williams III, at CBGB’s, and there are Teresa and Jeff rambling on about how the song that…

the complexity of my emotions..this in motion

the flooding of this, heart swept, beatings the pulsing of the flood my heart feels close to the explosion and the piercing of the stabbing, pains extend down to that frequence in birth I am killed each day to wake up again fresh blood spilt seen this in rivers crismatic, not scared or sad broken…

give more oral sex

there is something so beautiful about a man giving oral sex appropriately, I ponder this early afternoon in a cold house…like the climax where penetration is necessary, and you scream for the entry, and the appropriate steps taken after that to satisfy a girl….that’s why I like dildos so much, all speed and intensity controlled…


so i have returned from my journeys abroad to home which is not yet unpacked… which is the plan… I have developed a mild strategy for my job hunt which includes a web page supporting my resume as well as the e-mailing of it to companies looking for my particular position… my reunion was funny,…

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