This song, dedicated to jizzefabel…aka jeffrey, in the early morning bullshit hours…or is it late? In any case, I have come to a few conclusions…one is, the end…the other is…the beginning…I guess we all untimately decide what hump train we wish to be on, but the thing about it is, it’s just not worth it..the…

SHIT yer PAnts…all for FReE…the tops of mine are on fi-AH…

I am his phone buddy, his wet dream, the girl he wants to hump at night, with a “hole freshly dug into the small of her back” hard-on…….. a friend of mine said this to me today, apparently enraged by some bullshit…. but that’s just fucking…Sobriety is a small dream far far away at this…

fucking art n shit and all the rest

So I was walking down prince street yesterday when I happened upon the gallery I walked by with oink on new years which has this incredible deco/erte art collection…and I rang the bell only to be turned away due to the fact that the gallery owner was “showing” to someone else….I was like, but, but,…

me and my melted ken doll…down at the rocka fella center n shit…

blah blah blah blah blah…how much fun is life??…I guess that one can be answered later..ps…these pictures are so disgusting, they make me want to funnel my poop from my ass to my mouf…but maybe that’s just me…but yer lucky I still want to put yu unner my bed…kisses.

I want to be BARBIE…that girl has everything…!!!!!

yea so it’s official. I am cooler. And it wasn’t necessary for me to have some overload of effort placed into impressing me. but that’s just funny shit….showing out…. oh, so yea…I am feeling oh so sexy and a bazillion and one times better than, well, you. and boyz are more stupid than dirt…”so I…

I’m too fucking nice, and I AM SICK OF PLAYING FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!

yea so the story goes, again, that I talk myself out of someone’s head by presenting the rational, head thought side of the situation istead of grabbing this person with, NO, wait, I cannot accept that nor will I. I met him in person recently and had a time beyond description because I recognize the…

stupid propaganda and bad vibing in trains

so on the way to the doctor’s office this morning I am all about being ill and all that I am bomblasted with is stupid ads, such as the gap “clean jean jacket” ad, which has a follow-up of “stuck in traffic?…call and get your gap clean jean jacket and it may be there before…


hahahah…so here I am sick sick sick ick ick ick, after having watched destroyer tattoo for a couple hours I went to my buddy Jeff’s house, teeth chattering, with chicky soup…at 5 I was walking down Prince half in tears, my chattering audible, and thrwoing up because the cold hurt that much…. After flagging a…


I was hunting through my emails and found these photos from a while back and I am so annoyed with my shit right now, I am only putting these puppies up until later….that is my belly, and the reason I have issues with emulation.

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