1/22 err one twenty-two-day 5 of Life without Liquor

Published January 22nd, 2018 in 2000-2011 | No Comments ยป

Lately things have been getting so much better, well I expect they will and will expect they continue to improve. This is day 5, no wine. Now wine and I have a contentious relationship in that sometimes it does seem to bring me joy, and still other times it isn’t doing much aside from providing me with much needed calories at the end of the day.

You see, I don’t eat well as of late–er as of before the past few days. Before then I would be hungry, sure, but oftentimes will forego much besides my coffee with that perfectly sweetened and milk/creamed Dunkin Donuts coffee creamer. That level of sugar was really my daily intake–that level of sugar sustained me most of the day. I am not a miserable person, no no–I certainly am not normally–now I wonder what the sustained effects of not having the alcohol might do. Lately I have been SLEEPING, like a lot. Granted I have been in and out of the flu, coughing and feverish every few days for the past 13-but this is okay as I feel invincible since I had the pneumonia vaccine, which might be largely psychosomatic, but that’s the power of my own mind sometimes.

There is the conundrum of the show–and will we be funnier drunk? And maybe sometimes that might be true, and still other times the real us before the lubed up version comes around might be a little easier to maintain. At least with regards to my own health that has to be largely true.

Yeah yeah yeah, I have one kidney but have you seen the SIZE of that thing? It’s not because I taxed it entirely too much except maybe over the past 3 years since we moved a small walk from our favorite liquor store. Now the new one is pretty damn close as well, maybe a 10 minute driving experience total.

So life without liquor is something I am gonna try for a while, maybe do an anniversary thing since it is one year for married here in a month and a few days. We are definitely WAYY nicer to each other more consistently allofthetime when we aren’t drunk. As he said–90% of the time I am fine drinking–10% of the time I am a bastard. I think it might be more 98-2–but he knows himself better. Wednesday was a mean point for sure, and precipitated this dry spell I hope, for longer than not.

Life is still pretty lonely but what I am surrounding myself is largely good. I have an entire room for MY stuff and all of my machines and supplies and fabrics and old dresses and paints, all of it–Don put a grow light in here for my orchids because orchid land is coming and he brought one back from its sleep—baby buds on that sucker soon. I am getting a million more, as they are completely amazing to own.

Everything is still a bit of a mess but I am planning organizers and making this into the creator’s paradise I always wanted it to be.

Photos soon!

Category: 2000-2011

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